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I have a pivot table with two foreign keys and I want to list items according to one foreign key.

    id | tool_id | user_id
    1    2         12
    2    5         12
    3    3         12
    4    4          7

I have relations between tables and I want to list tools by the user like this:

    No: User  Tools
    --- ----  -----
      1 John  2,3,5
      2 Sara  4

I loop the records but as you can guess it’s listing as:

No: User  Tools
--- ----  -----
1   John  2
2   John  3
3   John  5
4   Sara  4


No: User  Tools
--- ----  -----
1   John  2,3,5
2   John  2,3,5
3   John  2,3,5
4   Sara  4

How can I list them as below?

 No: User  Tools
 --- ----  -----
   1 John  2,3,5
   2 Sara  4

This what tried so far:

$assign gets all data from pivot table and schema is in top of the post.

        <table class="table mb-0">
                <th scope="col">Tool</th>
                <th scope="col">Employee</th>
                <th scope="col">Department</th>
            @foreach($assigns as $assign)
                    <td>{{$assign->employee->last_name." ".$assign->employee->first_name}}</td>
                        @foreach($assigns->where('employee_id', $assign->employee_id) as $tool)


public function assignLetter(){
        $assigns = ToolAssign::all();
        $employees = Employee::where('status', 1)->where('is_inspector', 1)->orderBy('last_name')->get();
        return view('tool.assign', compact('assigns', 'employees'));

Pivot table’s model

public function employee()

        return $this->belongsTo(Employee::class, "employee_id", "id");
    public function tool()
        return $this->belongsTo(Tool::class, "tool_id", "id");



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved in hard way. It's not stupid if it works :)

                <th scope="col">Tool</th>
                <th scope="col">Employee</th>
                <th scope="col">Department</th>
        @php($index = 1)
        @foreach($employees as $collect)
            @if(AppModelsToolAssign::where('employee_id', $collect->id)->count() > 0)
                    <th scope="row">{{$index}}</th>
                    <td>{{$collect->last_name." ".$collect->first_name}}</td>
                        @foreach(AppModelsToolAssign::where('employee_id', $collect->id)->get() as $codes)
                @php($index ++)

  2. I think you should change your relationship type from belongsTo to belongsToMany like this:

    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentRelationsBelongsToMany;
    class User extends Model
        // ...
         * Get the tools that the user belongs to.
         * @return BelongsToMany
        public function tools(): BelongsToMany
            return $this->belongsToMany(Tool::class);

    This way you could do something like this: (not tested)

    foreach (User::all() as $user) {
        echo $user->id . ' - ' . $user->name . ' - ' . $user->tool->pluck('id')->join(', ');


    Here is an example for your code to achieve what you want, but it’s really messy. I suggest you to try my code above to fix it.

        <table class="table mb-0">
                <th scope="col">Tool</th>
                <th scope="col">Employee</th>
                <th scope="col">Department</th>
            @foreach($assigns as $assign)
                    <td>{{$assign->employee->last_name." ".$assign->employee->first_name}}</td>
                        {{ $assigns->where('employee_id', $assign->employee_id)->get()->map(function($tool) { return $tool->tool->tool_code; })->join(', '); }}
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