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I want to create a sitemap for laravel,
structure same like wordpress’s rankmath sitemap…

i am adding a route like this

 - **Try 1**

    Route::get("/(*).xml", "SomeController@serve");

 - **Try 2**

    Route::get('{slug}.xml', 'SomeController@serve');

But it’s not working…
Can anyone provide better solution?

Rankmath sitemap

enter image description here



  1. Here’s an example of how you can create a sitemap route with a parameter in Laravel:

    Route::get('/{sitemap}.xml', 'SomeController@serve')->where('sitemap', '.*');


    namespace AppHttpControllers;
    use IlluminateHttpRequest;
    class SomeController extends Controller
        public function serve($sitemap)
            $posts = []; // Replace this with your actual data retrieval logic
            return response()->view('your.sitemap.view', compact('posts', 'sitemap'))->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
    <!-- resources/views/sitemap.blade.php -->
    <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?>
    <urlset xmlns="">
        @foreach($posts as $post)
                <loc>{{ url($post->slug) }}</loc>
                <lastmod>{{ $post->updated_at->tz('UTC')->toAtomString() }}</lastmod>

    Reference URL:

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  2. I propose a different approach

    1. The sitemap files will be stored in public/ so that every time you don’t have to create them on the fly.
    2. update the files when an entry is added or changed, using listener or observer.
    1. Creation will be done in console command
    2. Don’t forget to add sitemap to robots.txt file
    class SitemapGenerate extends Command
        protected $signature = 'make:sitemap';
        public function handle(): void
            $sitemapIndex = SitemapIndex::create();
            $entries = [
                ->then(function ($sitemapIndex) {
                    /** @var Sitemap $sitemap */
                    foreach ($this->sitemaps as $sitemapName => $sitemap) {
                    $this->info('Sitemaps have been generated and saved.');
                    $sitemapIndexUrl = route('home') . '/sitemap_index.xml';
         * @return Closure
         * @return Closure
        protected function pages(): Closure
            return function ($sitemapIndex, $next) {
                $sitemap = Sitemap::create();
                // Add homepage
                $posts = DB::table('posts')
                    ->get(['slug', 'updated_at']);
                foreach ($posts as $post) {
                        Url::create(route('', $post->slug))
                $sitemapName = 'posts_sitemap.xml';
                $this->sitemaps[$sitemapName] = $sitemap;
                /** @var SitemapIndex $sitemapIndex */
                return $next($sitemapIndex);

    Library for creating sitemap sitemap

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