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I need to add a drop-down menu that filtrates with enum values from the table. Instead of that it gets the values from the rows. Any and all help gratefully received.

This is what I have managed to get so far.


        <select class="mb-2">
            <option value="Status" disabled selected>Status</option>
                @foreach ($status_filter as $key => $status)
                   <option value="{{ $key }}">


 $status_filter = Competition::pluck('status');
        return view('competition.index', compact('competitions', 'status_filter'));

This is what I need to get from the migration:




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    As @SazzadHussain suggested adding this block of code inside my model class solved the issue.

      public static function getPossibleEnumValues($table, $column) {
          $type = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table WHERE Field = '{$column}'"))[0]->Type ;
          preg_match('/^enum((.*))$/', $type, $matches);
          $enum = array();
          foreach( explode(',', $matches[1]) as $value )
            $v = trim( $value, "'" );
            $enum = Arr::add($enum, $v, $v);
          return $enum;

    After that getting it from my Controller like that:

    $enumoption = Competition::getPossibleEnumValues('competitions','status');

  2. If i got it right you want to make a filter for status like listing all active ou inactive. I think the easiest way to do this is add a query on your variable $status_filter on the controller. Something like: $status_filter = Competition::where('status', 'active')->pluck('status');

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  3. You can grab those enum values from the table. But there is no direct way. You have to use laravel query builder using raw.

    $statusValues = DB::select(DB::raw("SHOW COLUMNS FROM competitions WHERE Field = 'status' "))[0]->Type;
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/^enum((.*))$/', $statusValues, $matches);
    $enumValues = array();
    foreach( explode(',', $matches[1]) as $value )
      $v = trim( $value, "'" );
      $enumValues = $v;
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