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I have a model Facility that has rates (tariffs). The Rate model has a relationship to a RateType. The RateType has a column weight. I want to sort the Facility’s rates based on those weights. I would like to always have this ordering so I’d put it into the relationshop function directly. I cant get it to work, though. I always get some mix up with the column and table names and I feel like I am missing a very easy solution.


class Facility extends Model
    public function rates()
        return $this->hasMany(Rate::class)->orderBy(
            // :(

class Rate extends Model
    public function rateType()
        return $this->belongsTo(RateType::class);

The RateType doesnt have the relationship function back to Rate, I guess thats not the problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



  1. You need to try below code.

    'rates' => function($q){
         $q->orderBy('your_column', 'desc');
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  2. You can just join the table in your rates relationship from Facility model, which allows you to call orderBy or orderByDesc on any rate_types column

    e.i. (assumed standard column names use by your relationship)

    class Facility extends Model {
        public function rates() {
            return $this->hasMany(Rate::class)
                ->join('rate_types', '', '=', 'rates.rate_type_id')
                ->orderBy('rate_types.weight', 'ASC');

    Then you can do something like

    return Facility::whereNotNUll('id')->with('rates')->get();

    which orders automaticaly orders the rates relationship

    the actual sub-query for the with method would look like this

    SELECT * 
    FROM rates
    INNER JOIN rate_types
    ON = rates.rate_type_id
    WHERE rates.facility_id in (ids of loaded facilities) 
    ORDER BY rate_types.weight
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