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I have made a blogging application in Laravel 8.

The articles support comments and comment replies. I am currently working on the edit/update comments functionality.

In the Comment model, I "merge" comments and replies like so:

public function replies() {
  return $this->hasMany(Comment::class, 'parent_id');

In the controller, I have the below method for getting the comments with replies:

private function get_commentQuery(int $article_id, int $limit = 0, int $offset = 0): object
  $commentQuery = Comment::where(['article_id' => $article_id, 'approved' => 1])
    ->orderBy('id', $this->comments_orderby_direction)
    ->with('replies', function ($query) {
      $query->where('approved', 1);

  if ($offset > 0) {
    $commentQuery = $commentQuery->offset($offset);
  if ($limit > 0) {
    $commentQuery = $commentQuery->limit($limit);

  return $commentQuery;

In comments-list.blade.php I have:

@foreach ($comments as $comment)
    @if (null == $comment->parent_id)
        <li class="depth-1 comment">
            <div class="comment__avatar">
                <img class="avatar" src="{{ asset('images/avatars/' . $comment->user->avatar) }}"
                    alt="{{ $comment->user->first_name }} {{ $comment->user->last_name }}" width="50" height="50">
            <div class="comment__content">
                <div class="comment__info">
                  <div class="comment__author">{{ $comment->user->first_name }} {{ $comment->user->last_name }}</div>
                  <div class="comment__meta">
                      <div class="comment__time">{{ date('jS M Y', strtotime($comment->created_at)) }}</div>
                        <div class="comment__reply">
                          @if ($comment->user->id !== Auth::user()->id)
                              <a class="comment-reply-link" href="#0">
                                <i class="fa fa-comment"></i> Reply
                          @if ($comment->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
                              <a href="#0" class="comment-edit-link">
                                <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit
                              @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-delete-form')
                <div class="comment__text">
                  <p>{{ $comment->body }}</p>

              @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-form')

              @if ($comment->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
                @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-edit-form')

            {{-- Comment replies --}}
            @if (count($comment->replies))
                <ul class="children">
                    @foreach ($comment->replies as $reply)
                        <li class="depth-2 comment">
                            <div class="comment__avatar">
                                <img class="avatar" src="{{ asset('images/avatars/' . $reply->user->avatar) }}"
                                    alt="{{ $comment->user->first_name }} {{ $comment->user->last_name }}"
                                    width="50" height="50">
                            <div class="comment__content">
                                <div class="comment__info">
                                    <div class="comment__author">{{ $reply->user->first_name }}
                                        {{ $reply->user->last_name }}</div>
                                    <div class="comment__meta">
                                        <div class="comment__time">{{ date('jS M Y', strtotime($reply->created_at)) }}
                                            <div class="comment__reply">
                                              @if ($reply->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
                                                <a href="#0" class="comment-edit-link">
                                                  <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit
                                                @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-delete-form')
                                <div class="comment__text">
                                    <p>{{ $reply->body }}</p>

                              @if ($reply->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
                                @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-edit-form')

My intention is to use one form template for editing both comments and replies. I have added the form for editing comments in a partial called comment-edit-form.blade.php:

<form class="commentEditForm" method="post" action="{{ route('comment.update', !isset($reply) ? $comment->id : $reply->id) }}" autocomplete="off" novalidate> 
        <div class="message form-field">
          <textarea name="msg" id="message" class="h-full-width" placeholder="Your Message" required>{{ !isset($reply) ? $comment->body : $reply->body }}</textarea>

          <p class="help-block text-danger">{{ $message }}</p>
        <input name="submit" id="submit" class="btn btn--primary btn-wide btn--large h-full-width" value="Update Comment" type="submit">

As is visible above, I have tried to differentiate comments from replies because, of course, they have different ids and bodies.

The problem

For a reason I was unable to figure out, all comments that come after a comment reply in the foreach loop, are prepopulated with the reply’s body.

enter image description here


  1. What am I doing wrong?
  2. What is a reliable fix for this issue?



  1. Your problem comes from variable scope within your Blade template. When you include the comment-edit-form.blade.php partial within the loop that iterates over comments and replies, the $reply from the previous iteration is still accessible in the scope of the next iteration. As a result, even when processing a primary comment (not a reply), the $reply variable is set and the form gets populated with the reply’s body. To resolve this, you need to ensure that the $reply is not mistakenly used for primary comments. One way to do this is by explicitly passing the relevant comment or reply to the partial.

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  2. Problem:

    The $reply variable’s scope within the @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-edit-form') call is causing the problem. It persists between iterations, leading to incorrect pre-population of subsequent comment forms.


    Pass the relevant comment or reply object to the partial expicitly:

    @if ($comment->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
      @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-edit-form', ['commentOrReply' => $comment])
    @foreach ($comment->replies as $reply)
      @if ($reply->user->id == Auth::user()->id)
        @include('themes/' . $theme_directory . '/partials/comment-edit-form', ['commentOrReply' => $reply])

    Access the passed object using $commentOrReply and adjust conditions:

    <form class="commentEditForm" method="post" action="{{ route('comment.update', $commentOrReply->id) }}" autocomplete="off" novalidate>
            <div class="message form-field">
                <textarea name="msg" id="message" class="h-full-width" placeholder="Your Message" required>{{ $commentOrReply->body }}</textarea>
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