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I have 2 tables in my db, 1 for Collabs and 1 for Projects

I want when I view a project, to display the collabs based on that project (if i press view on a project for example project with id = 10, to display all Collabs for the project that is id 10).

For Collabs table I have id_project that is wanted to be in relationship with id from Project table, so when I insert a new collab in my Collabs table it takes the id from the project I inserted.

For now, this is how I display the collabs, and i display them all for all projects but I don’t want that.


@forelse ($istoric as $istProj)
         <div class="mb-3">
         <table class='table'>
            <tr class="table-row-heads">
                 <th>Id Proiect</th>
                 <th>Tip actiune </th>
                 <th>Colaborator </th>
                 <th>Suma </th>
                 <th>Data </th>
              <tr class="table-row-data">
                <td>{{ $istProj->id_proiect }}</td>
                <td>{{ $istProj->action_type }}</td>
                <td>{{ $istProj->colaborator_id }}</td>
                <td>{{ $istProj->suma }}</td>
                <td>{{ $istProj->data }}</td>
              <div class="card-body">
                 <h2>Nu au fost gasite inregistrari</h2>



  1. If you use model Collab, and within you have project relation , than you can use

      ->with('project', function ($q) use ($id) {
        return $q->where('id', $id);

    Or you can use query builder as well

    ->join('projects', '', '=', 'collabs.project_id')
    ->where('', $id)

    Just adjust it according what you really need.

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  2. You should really consider reading and watching more videos on how relationships and eloquent works, I hope this below is a good reference for you to get started, please read carefully, and sorry I couldn’t translate back to romanian, and to avoid any mistakes, I kept my code in english.

    Caloboratori = Colaborators
    Istoric Proiecte = Project History
    id || auto_increment
    project_id || bigInteger()
    colaborator_id || bigInteger()
    Proiecte = Project
    id || auto_increment

    Project Model

    /* To load the history, we will be using hasMany relationship, because for each 
       project, we have lots of history, please read more on one-to-many relationships here
        Istoric Proiecte = Project History
            id || auto_increment
            project_id || bigInteger()
            colaborator_id || bigInteger()
    public function histories() {
        return $this->hasMany(ProjectHistory::class);    

    Project History Model

    //We will reverse the one-to-many relationship, with belongsTo here. | example: project_id
    public function project() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Project::class);
    //We will reverse the one-to-many relationship, with belongsTo here. | example: colaborator_id
    public function colaborator() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Colaborator::class);

    Projects Controller:

    // Show a list of all projects
    public function index() {  
        //Get all projects
        $projects = Project::all();
        //Load all of the project relationships that we will be using
        return view('projects.index', compact('projects'));
    // Show a single project
    public function show(Project $project) {  
        //Load all of the project relationships that we will be using
        //Assign the loaded project history
        $histories = $project->histories;
        return view('', compact('project', 'histories'));

    projects.index Blade: in this blade, you can forloop thru all of your projects model, and assign them as $project, since we loaded the relationships earlier from the controller.

    You can easily access the relationships using $project->histories then assign each history model to $history.

    Then you can go one step inside of the history relationship and call the inner relationship of colaborator with $history->colaborator

    @foreach ($projects as $project)
        <p>Project id: {{ $project->id }}
        <p>Project name: {{ $project->name }}
        <h1>Project History list</h1>
        @foreach ($project->histories as $history)
                <li>ID: {{$history->id}}</li>
                <li>Name: {{$history->name}}</li>
                <li>Colaborator Name: {{$history->colaborator->name}}</li> 
 Blade: in this blade, we have a single project, and you can forloop thru all of your history models, since we loaded the relationships from the controller.

    We assigned the histories collection as $histories then assign each history model to $history

    Then you can go one step inside the history relationship and call the inner relationship of colaborator with $history->colaborator

    <p>Project name: {{ $project->name }}
    <h1>Project History list</h1>
    @foreach ($histories as $history)
            <li>ID: {{$history->id}}</li>
            <li>Name: {{$history->name}}</li>
            <li>Colaborator Name: {{$history->colaborator->name}}</li>
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