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I am newbie to laravel and i am working on a project and i have a following situation

lets assume my base url is

Now i want to pass a slug(argument) after a base url which means something like that, and i need to do this on multiple times in my project

This is what i’d tried but it is not working it says that route is not defined.

Route::get('{slug?}', [AppHttpControllersUiviewsController::class, 'method1'])->name('method1');

Route::get('/method2/{slug?}', function($slug){
    return redirect()->route('method1', ['slug'=>$slug]);

And also how can i achieve that on which argument which particular method should be called? for example if i have several other routes similar to above one.

how can i achieve this?

Thank you in advance for your help. 🙂



  1. You should use the fallback system.

    Route::fallback(function () {

    Laravel Route fallback official docs

    also, beware:

    The fallback route should always be the last route registered by your

    Other Option:

    Also, you can define a parameter as below example

    Route::any('{any}', function(){
    })->where('any', '.*');
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  2. Please Try php artisan route:cache in your terminal then check it again.

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