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I am using a Laravel Resource to return my object. The object has optional relationships. My Resource code so far is below and is working as expected:

public function toArray(Request $request): array
    return [
        'id'                 => (string) $this->id,
        'attributes'         => [
            'name'             => $this->name,
            'status_id'        => $this->status_id,
            'created_at'       => $this->created_at,
            'updated_at'       => $this->updated_at,
        'relationships' => [
            'status'        => $this->whenLoaded('status'),

But I would like for the "status" relationship to only include one field from the model – the name. I thought just appending ->name would work. i.e. 'status' => $this->whenLoaded('status')->name,

This does work when the relationship is loaded, but generates an error when the relationship does not exist.

Is there any way to use whenLoaded and show only one field?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think I have found the answer.

    public function toArray(Request $request): array
        return [
            'id'                 => (string) $this->id,
            'attributes'         => [
                'name'             => $this->name,
                'status_id'        => $this->status_id,
                'created_at'       => $this->created_at,
                'updated_at'       => $this->updated_at,
            'relationships' => [
                'status' => $this->when(
                    $this->resource->relationLoaded('status'), function ()
                        return $this->resource->status->name;

  2. You can use the optional helper function provided by Laravel. The optional function accepts the object you want to work with and returns a new, nullable object. This way, you can safely access the "name" attribute even if the relationship is not loaded.

    public function toArray(Request $request): array
        return [
            'id'          => (string) $this->id,
            'attributes'  => [
                'name'      => $this->name,
                'status_id' => $this->status_id,
                'created_at' => $this->created_at,
                'updated_at' => $this->updated_at,
            'relationships' => [
                'status' => optional($this->whenLoaded('status'))->only('name'),
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