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I have this Array of objects where I wanna sum up the quantity having the same 'barcode' field and if it has a different 'location' field it should be separated.

here is my sample object

    "id": 1,
    "barcode": "555",
    "description": "pencil",
    "quantity": "3",
    "location": "drawer1",
    "id": 2,
    "barcode": "555",
    "description": "pencil",
    "quantity": "1",
    "location": "drawer1",
    "id": 3,
    "barcode": "123",
    "description": "paper",
    "quantity": "1",
    "location": "drawer2",
    "id": 4,
    "barcode": "123",
    "description": "paper",
    "quantity": "8",
    "location": "drawer2",
    "id": 5,
    "barcode": "123",
    "description": "paper",
    "quantity": "8",
    "location": "drawer1",


and here is my desired result.

    "id": 1,
    "barcode": "555",
    "description": "pencil",
    "quantity": "4",
    "location": "drawer1",
    "id": 2,
    "barcode": "123",
    "description": "paper",
    "quantity": "9",
    "location": "drawer2",
    "id": 3,
    "barcode": "123",
    "description": "paper",
    "quantity": "8",
    "location": "drawer1",


just for additional information, I got this code from my previous question but now I am clueless on how to integrate this location field.

    ->map(fn ($group, $key) => [
        'id' => $group->first()['id'],
        'barcode' => $group->first()['barcode'],
        'description' => $group->first()['description'],
        'qty' => $group->sum('qty'),

Thanks, and hopefully someone will be able to point out what am missing here.



  1. Do this.I think it will work.

        ->map(fn ($group, $key) => [
            'id' => $group->first()['id'],
            'barcode' => $group->first()['barcode'],
            'description' => $group->first()['description'],
            'qty' => $group->sum('quantity'),
            'location' => $group->first()['location'],

    For more information about how collections work you can check this link where you will get a clear idea about how to work with collections

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  2. If you follow this map loop, you should receive the expected results.

    $data = collect(json_decode($jsonInput, true));
        $grouped = $data->groupBy(function ($item) {
            return $item['barcode'] . '_' . $item['location'];
        })->map(function ($group) {
            return [
                'id' => $group->first()['id'],
                'barcode' => $group->first()['barcode'],
                'description' => $group->first()['description'],
                'quantity' => $group->sum('quantity'),
                'location' => $group->first()['location'],
        })->values()->each(function ($item, $index) {
            $item['id'] = $index + 1;
        $jsonOutput = $grouped->toJson();
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