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I want to open my webiste post with specific id, but when I go to this link which is first post page http://localhost:8000/tickets/create/1 its opening correct id (1 is id) but tells me that "404 not found".

There are my codes.


public function create()
        $ticketsinfos = Tickets::with('companies')->get();
        $tickets = Companies::with('tickets')->get();
        $severities = Severities::with('severity')->get();
        $ticketscounts = Tickets::count();
        //return view('dashboard.index',['ticketscounts'=> $ticketscounts]);
        $users = DB::table('tickets')->get();
        return view('customer.index')->with(['tickets'=> $tickets])->with(['severities' => $severities])->with(['ticketsinfos' => $ticketsinfos])->with(['ticketscounts'=> $ticketscounts])->with(['users'=>$users]);


    @foreach ($ticketsinfos as $ticketinfo)
        <td>{{ $ticketinfo->companies->name }}</td>
        @foreach($users as $user)
            <td><a href="tickets/create/{{ $user->id }}">{{ Str::limit($ticketinfo->ticket_title, 50, '...') }}</a></td>
        <td><button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" type="button">Action Needed<br></button><br></td>
        <td>Tako Kiknadze</td>
        <td>{{ $ticketinfo->created_at }}</td>
        <td>{{ $ticketinfo->updated_at }}</td>

My route:

Route::resource('/tickets', TicketsController::class);

What can I do for do this?



  1. there is a problem with your route

    try updating your route to be like this:

    Route::resource('tickets/create/{id}', TicketsController::class);

    and update your function like this:

    public function create($id)
        $ticketsinfos = Tickets::with('companies')->get();
        $tickets = Companies::with('tickets')->get();
        $severities = Severities::with('severity')->get();
        $ticketscounts = Tickets::count();
        //return view('dashboard.index',['ticketscounts'=> $ticketscounts]);
        $users = DB::table('tickets')->where('id',$id)->get();
        return view('customer.index')->with(['tickets'=> $tickets])->with(['severities' => $severities])->with(['ticketsinfos' => $ticketsinfos])->with(['ticketscounts'=> $ticketscounts])->with(['users'=>$users]);
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  2. So I think part of the issue is that the URL you are trying to go to is incorrect. You specified it was a Route::Resource. This is a shortcut in writing routes. What this does is create a list of routes as can be seen by a artisan route:list.

    The Route::resource('/tickets', TicketsController::class); line in web.php creates specific routes and points to the specific methods in that class.

    The specific methods are:

     - index : Display a listing of the resource.
     - create : Show the form for creating a new resource.
     - store : Store a newly created resource in storage.
     - show : Display the specified resource.
     - edit : Show the form for editing the specified resource.
     - update : Update the specified resource in storage.
     - destroy : Remove the specified resource from storage.

    Personally, I like to use the artisan command artisan make:model --all or artisan make:model --resource. I would suggest that you use a artisan make:controller --resource Bogus and then see how it affects your routes. The default comments clearly spell out how each route is used and the parameters that it is expecting.

    @Bromerbeer I think was giving you the correct info. The "Create" route takes no parameters and does not accept any. From how you worded the question, it seems you would want

    Then it will accept an ‘id’ parameter (in this case a model) :

     * Display the specified resource.
     * @param  AppModelsBogusModel  $bogus
     * @return IlluminateHttpResponse
    public function show(BogusModel $bogus)

    Where as the "create" method takes no parameters:

     * Show the form for creating a new resource.
     * @return IlluminateHttpResponse
    public function create()
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