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i have a problem to load the data from database , the system give me an error

Maximum Execution time off 60 seconds exceeded

i realize i need to optimze my code to shrink the time to load the data, I nearly have 10K of data in the table.

this is my code

public function export(Request $request){
    $fotoOutcomes= new FotoOutcomeCollection(FotoOutcome::with('user','outcomeCategory','paymentMethod')->select('name','cost','date','pcs')->get());  
    $pdf = PDF::loadView('FotoOutcomeExport/FotoOutcomeExport', compact('fotoOutcomes'));
    return $pdf->download('Foto-Outcome.pdf');


please help me to optimize this code, i have no idea about what should i do to optimize this code.
thankyou in advance

this is my view code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

<div className="overflow-x-auto">
    <table className="table table-zebra w-full">
            @php $i=1 @endphp
            @foreach ($fotoOutcomes as $fotoOutcome)
            @php $i++; @endphp



  1. Please show the view from which you generate the pdf, I have the same issue when I try to use some Laravel helper function (In my case, I try to use the asset() function).

    Try to use the loop variable instead of the $i variable


    Or you can test with a smaller amount of data, if its fails the error is in the view

    public function export(Request $request){
        $fotoOutcomes= new FotoOutcomeCollection(FotoOutcome::with('user','outcomeCategory','paymentMethod')->select('name','cost','date','pcs')->take(10)->get());  
        $pdf = PDF::loadView('FotoOutcomeExport/FotoOutcomeExport', compact('fotoOutcomes'));
        return $pdf->download('Foto-Outcome.pdf');
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  2. If you have 10K of items, you are hydrating a ton of models in that query. That takes time and memory. Probably the most efficient way to reduce this would be to use a DB query and not fully hydrate the models. Assuming your table is foto_outcomes:

    $fotoOutcomes = DB::table('foto_outcomes')->get();

    However, this is still pulling in all of the information from that table. You can further reduce the query time by not selecting *, and only applying the fields you need:

    $fotoOutcomes = DB::table('foto_outcomes')->select('name', 'date', 'pcs', 'cost')->get();

    I see you have included three relationships in your original query. If those are necessary, you will have to add them to the above query. You can also add a select statement for those relations to save calling * on those relations. However, if those items are on the original foto_outcomes table, you can skip them for a big jump in efficiency, using the query above.

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  3. You can use pagination to load data in small amount instead of loading all data at once.

    public function export(Request $request){
        $pageSize = 100; // set the number of records to load per page
        $fotoOutcomes = FotoOutcome::with('user', 'outcomeCategory', 'paymentMethod')
            ->select('name', 'cost', 'date', 'pcs')
            ->paginate($pageSize); // use pagination to load data in smaller chunks
        $fotoOutcomes = new FotoOutcomeCollection($fotoOutcomes);
        $pdf = PDF::loadView('FotoOutcomeExport/FotoOutcomeExport', compact('fotoOutcomes'));
        return $pdf->download('Foto-Outcome.pdf');

    you can change your for loop like this in view code.

    @foreach ($fotoOutcomes as $fotoOutcome)
        <th>{{ $fotoOutcomes->firstItem() + $loop->index }}</th>
        <td>{{ $fotoOutcome->name }}</td>
        <td>{{ $fotoOutcome->date }}</td>
        <td>{{ $fotoOutcome->pcs }}</td>
        <td>{{ $fotoOutcome->cost }}</td>
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