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I have a reports table which looks like something as follows:

Reports is monthly reports of users putting their efforts. It’s many to many relationship table.

id user_id project_id total_effort created_at
1 5 232 40 2023-01-23

I want to get all users with their contributions projects-wise so that I can create an excel something like this.

enter image description here

I am able to group users by group and get their collective data, but unable to group by project id as well.

So far here is my query

  $data = Report::select('user_id')
            ->selectRaw("SUM(total_effort) as total, DATE_FORMAT(report_for_date, '%b,%Y') new_date")

And this query return

 [0] => Array
            [user_id] => 2
            [total] => 500
            [new_date] => Dec,2022
            [user_detail] => Array
                    [id] => 2
                    [first_name] => Hermione
                    [last_name] => Granger


But what I am actually looking for is something like this:

[0] => Array
            [user_id] => 2
            [total] => 500
            [new_date] => Dec,2022
                            [name]=>Project 1
                            [name]=>Project 41
                            [name]=>Project 32
            [user_detail] => Array
                    [id] => 2
                    [first_name] => Hermione
                    [last_name] => Granger


So that I can loop the data and plot them in excel.
How can this be done? Even if it is just a Raw MySQL query how to do Groupby inside a groupBy?

Some reference that I checked but without any help



  1. You can use with() method to load the relation with groupby clause

    $data = Report::select('user_id', 'project_id')
        ->selectRaw("SUM(total_effort) as total, DATE_FORMAT(report_for_date, '%b,%Y') new_date")
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  2. I would query the active projects within the reporting period and then use that to build up the main query with conditional aggregation (pivot) –

    // get list of projects within reporting period
    $projects = DB::table('projects p')
        ->join('reports r', '', '=', 'r.project_id')
        ->select('', '')
        ->whereBetween('r.created_at', ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-31'])
    // build conditional aggregates
    $columns = ['CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) AS username'];
    foreach ($projects as $project) {
        $columns[] = "SUM(IF(r.project_id = {$project->id}, total_effort, 0)) AS project_{$project->id}";
    // Add total column
    $columns[] = 'SUM(total_effort) AS total';
    $report = DB::table('reports r')
        ->join('users u', 'r.user_id', '=', '')
        ->selectRaw(implode(',', $columns))
        ->whereBetween('r.created_at', ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-31'])

    The idea is to build and execute a query which looks something like this –

        CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) AS username,
        SUM(IF(r.project_id = 232, total_effort, 0)) AS project_232,
        SUM(IF(r.project_id = 233, total_effort, 0)) AS project_233,
        SUM(IF(r.project_id = 234, total_effort, 0)) AS project_234,
        SUM(total_effort) AS total
    FROM reports r
    JOIN users u ON r.user_id =
    WHERE r.created_at BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-31'
    GROUP BY r.user_id
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