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I have the following query where I am adding three new columns by using the addSelect function

        ->when($column != 'contract_return_date' && $column != 'contract_delivery_date',function ($query) use ($column,$date_from,$date_to){
            return $query->whereBetween('applications.'.$column, [$date_from, $date_to]);
            DB::raw('CONCAT(IFNULL(customers.last_name,"")," ",customers.first_name ) as customers_name'),
            DB::raw('CONCAT(IFNULL(applications.last_name,"")," ",applications.first_name ) as contract_name'),
            'applications.offer_type as offer_type',
            'customers.mobile_phone as customer_mobile',
            'applications.program as program',
            'applications.saled_by_text as saler',
            ' as department',
            'applications.created_at as created_at',
            'applications.created_at as saled_at',
            DB::raw('IF(,"NAI","OXI") as sale'),

        ->addSelect(['submission_date'=> StatusLog::select('created_at')

        ->addSelect(['resubmission_date'=> StatusLog::select('created_at')
        ->addSelect(['error_date' => StatusLog::select('created_at')
            ->whereIn('status', [5, 6])
        ]) ->when($column == 'contract_delivery_date',function ($query) use ($date_from,$date_to){
            return $query->whereBetween('submission_date', [$date_from, $date_to]);


The above query is used to print data on a datatable.

The query includes columns that were added using the addSelect function, and these columns are being displayed correctly on the table.

However, when I try to query the submission_date field, I am encountering an error:

 1054 Unknown Column submission_date. 

Is there a way to query columns that were created using the addSelect function in Laravel?

Thank you for your help and I apologize for any errors in my English.



  1. I think you cant do this. The custom select field (submission_date) is computed after the main query results. This is a limitation of the Database.

    But you can use the HAVING operator instead.

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  2. You do not create a field using addSelect. You only add a field to your query, so you cannot query it. Let’s consider an example:

    create table abc(id int primary key);

    is a table I created as a proof-of-concept. Now, let’s fill in some data:

    insert into abc(id)

    Now, let’s query it, adding a field to it, called foo:

    select id, 2 * id as foo
    from abc;

    And, now let’s filter by foo:

    select id, 2 * id as foo
    from abc
    where foo = 2;

    We get an error, see below:

    enter image description here

    So, if you want to add a field and query by it, then you will need to either hardcode the field’s equivalent into your conditional OR create a view of the table where the field exists OR add the field to the table.

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