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I want to send email through connection but with a sender declared in dynamic way.


In above code I declared username, mail-from-address, password But I want to set sender in my controller dynamically to be more specific with Auth::user()->email . How to do that?


namespace AppMail;

use IlluminateBusQueueable;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;
use IlluminateMailMailable;
use IlluminateMailMailablesContent;
use IlluminateMailMailablesEnvelope;
use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;

class TicketIssueEmail extends Mailable
    use Queueable, SerializesModels;
    public $msg;
    public  $sub;
     * Create a new message instance.
    public function __construct($msg, $subject)
        $this->msg= $msg;
        $this->sub= $subject;

     * Get the message envelope.
    public function envelope(): Envelope
        return new Envelope(
            subject:  $this->sub,

     * Get the message content definition.
    public function content(): Content
        return new Content(
            view: '',

     * Get the attachments for the message.
     * @return array<int, IlluminateMailMailablesAttachment>
    public function attachments(): array
        return [];

This is my controller

 use AppMailTicketIssueEmail;
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesMail;
    public function ticket_add(Request $request)
        $data = [];
        $admin = DB::table('users')->where('user_type','admin')>first();
        if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
            try {
               $ticket= Ticket::create([
                    'name' => $request->name,
                    'issue_date' =>date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->issue_date)),
                    'description' => $request->description,
                    'created_by' => Auth::user()->id,
                $sender_name= Auth::user()->name;
                $msg= $ticket->description;
                $subject= "New Ticket Named ". $ticket->name. " From ".  Auth::user()->name;
                Mail::to($to)->send(new  TicketIssueEmail($msg, $subject));
                return back()->with('success', 'Added Successfully');
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                return back()->with('error', 'Failed Please Try Again'. $e);

Please help me out.



  1. You can pass custom sender parameters when dispatching your TicketIssueEmail, something like this:

    $senderName= Auth::user()->name;
    $msg= $ticket->description;
    $subject= "New Ticket Named ". $ticket->name. " From ".  Auth::user()->name;
    Mail::to($to)->send(new  TicketIssueEmail($msg, $subject, $senderEmail, $senderName));

    Then, inside the TicketIssueEmail, add load that parameter in constructor:

    public $msg;
    public $sub;
    public $senderEmail;
    public $senderName;
     * Create a new message instance.
    public function __construct($msg, $subject, $senderEmail, $senderName)
        $this->msg = $msg;
        $this->sub = $subject;
        $this->senderEmail = $senderEmail;
        $this->senderName = $senderName;

    Then, in the envelope() method, you can send a custom sender email:

    return new Envelope(
        subject: $this->sub,
        from: new Address($this->senderEmail, $this->senderName),

    Read more on official documentation

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  2. Modify your TicketIssueEmail class: Add a constructor parameter for the from address (email and name) and use the from method to set it dynamically.

    namespace AppMail;
    use IlluminateBusQueueable;
    use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;
    use IlluminateMailMailable;
    use IlluminateMailMailablesContent;
    use IlluminateMailMailablesEnvelope;
    use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;
    class TicketIssueEmail extends Mailable
        use Queueable, SerializesModels;
        public $msg;
        public $sub;
        public $fromEmail;
        public $fromName;
        public function __construct($msg, $subject, $fromEmail, $fromName)
            $this->msg = $msg;
            $this->sub = $subject;
            $this->fromEmail = $fromEmail;
            $this->fromName = $fromName;
        public function envelope(): Envelope
            return new Envelope(
                subject:  $this->sub,
                from: [$this->fromEmail => $this->fromName] // Set dynamic from email and name
        public function content(): Content
            return new Content(
                view: '',
        public function attachments(): array
            return [];

    Update your controller. Ensure that you use use IlluminateSupportFacadesAuth; ??

    use AppMailTicketIssueEmail;
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesMail;
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesAuth;
    public function ticket_add(Request $request)
        $admin = DB::table('users')->where('user_type','admin')->first();
        if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
            try {
                $ticket = Ticket::create([
                    'name' => $request->name,
                    'issue_date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($request->issue_date)),
                    'description' => $request->description,
                    'created_by' => Auth::user()->id,
                $fromEmail = Auth::user()->email;
                $fromName = Auth::user()->name;
                $to = $admin->email;
                $msg = $ticket->description;
                $subject = "New Ticket Named " . $ticket->name . " From " . Auth::user()->name;
                // Pass the fromEmail and fromName dynamically
                Mail::to($to)->send(new TicketIssueEmail($msg, $subject, $fromEmail, $fromName));
                return back()->with('success', 'Added Successfully');
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                return back()->with('error', 'Failed, Please Try Again: ' . $e->getMessage());
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