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I have a Laravel 9 forum project and I have added this form field:

    <div class="create__section">
       <label class="create__label BMehrBold" for="tags">Tags (separate each one by [space])</label>
       <input type="text" class="form-control BKoodakBold" id="tags" placeholder="Enter the keywords here">
       <span id="tagshow"></span>

So as you can see I have said that Each tag should be separated by space.

So if user enters javascript for example as value, it should show this at the tagshow section:


Then he should be able to enter other keywords as well and separate each one by [space]:

#javascript #jquery

But I need to define when the user press [space] on keyboard in order to get the tag value of the input.

So how can I do that?



  1. You can do it with split():

    const input = "javascript html css";
    const tags = input.split(' ');
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  2. Yep, .split() and .map() are your friends here:

    const [tags, tagshow]=["tags","tagshow"].map(id=>document.getElementById(id));
    tagshow.textContent=tags.value.trim().split(/ +/).map(w=>"#"+w).join(" "))
    <div class="create__section">
       <label class="create__label BMehrBold" for="tags">Tags (separate each one by [space])</label>
       <input type="text" class="form-control BKoodakBold" id="tags" placeholder="Enter the keywords here">
       <span id="tagshow"></span>
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  3. You can use String.prototype.replace() and use the Pattern $1 to embed your match with the added prefix #. The regex /([^ ]+)/g or /(S+)/g would match anything that is not a space (your tag words)

    const el = (sel, par) => (par || document).querySelector(sel);
    el("#tags").addEventListener("input", () => {
      el("#tagshow").textContent = tags.value.replace(/([^ ]+)/g, "#$1");
      Tags (separate each one by [space])
      <input type="text" id="tags" placeholder="Enter the keywords here">
    <div id="tagshow"></div>

    the nice thing about the above solution is that you can also wrap your tags into SPAN elements as tags pills pretty easily:

    const el = (sel, par) => (par || document).querySelector(sel);
    el("#tags").addEventListener("input", () => {
      el("#tagshow").innerHTML = tags.value.replace(/(S+)/g, `<span class="tag">#$1</span>`);
    #tagshow {
      display: flex;
      gap: 0.5rem;
    .tag {
      background: #eee; 
      border-radius: 0.5rem;
      padding: 0.3rem 0.5rem;
      Tags (separate each one by [space])
      <input type="text" id="tags" placeholder="Enter the keywords here">
    <div id="tagshow"></div>
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  4. You can try this:

    function splitString() {
      const inputTags = document.getElementById("tags").value;
      const tags = inputTags.toString().split(' ');
     <div class="create__section">
       <label class="create__label BMehrBold" for="tags">Tags (separate each one by [space])</label>
       <input type="text" class="form-control BKoodakBold" id="tags" placeholder="Enter the keywords here">
       <span id="tagshow" style="background-color:blue; color: white; cursor:pointer;" onclick="splitString()">button</span>
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