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I want to build a Laravel route which uses a booking number in the URL and not the row id.

As the booking number column is not unique, I also want to pull the row that also matches the company id field, data pulled from a function in a helper file.

Effectivelly I want to run a very basic SQL WHERE statement along these lines

WHERE number = $number AND company_id = Helpers::companyInfo()->id;

At the moment I have the basics, but I’m struggling to move on.


Route::get('/bookings/{number}', function(Booking $number){
    return view('bookingsView', ['booking' => $number]);

Thanks in advance.



  1. You can modify your route closure to accept the booking number as a parameter, and then use the where method on the Booking model to retrieve the booking with the specified number and company id.

    use AppModelsBooking;
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;
    Route::get('/bookings/{number}', function($number){
        $company_id = Helpers::companyInfo()->id;
        $booking = Booking::where('number', $number)->where('company_id', $company_id)->firstOrFail();
        return view('bookingsView', ['booking' => $booking]);
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  2. As you catch the $number (that is not the primary key) you cannot use the implicit find function used by model typeHint binding. You should construct the function yourself to retreive the booking record. A possible way to do this below :

    function(string $number){
           $booking = Booking::where('number', $number)
              ->where('company_id', Helpers::companyInfo()->id)
           return view('bookingsView', ['booking' => $number]);
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