I’m working on the project which I have to make my users to be able to add and remove items; in this case is the reward information. I’m developing this on Laravel 10 and I’ve tried so many attempts to get the old values from the controller when the validation is failed by the rules I declared.
In my JavaScript, I have addMoreItem() function and removeItem() function. In addMoreItem() function, I can used value="{{ old(‘reward_name’) }}". After the failure, I have to check for the old value(s) by using @json(‘reward’) which contains the array of reward data like this :
"reward_owner_name":"International Kid Scientist Programme",
"reward_owner_description":"Example of Description",
"reward_name":"International Kid Scientist",
"reward_owner_name":"National Kid Scientist Programme",
"reward_owner_description":"Example of Description",
"reward_name":"National Kid Scientist",
After I got the old values as above, I will work in JavaScript like this :
var reward_items = @json(old('reward_total_items', 0));
if(reward_items > 0){
const reward_details = @json(old('reward'));
Object.entries(reward_details).forEach(([key, value]) => {
'<div id="reward-' + key + '" class="card border-dark mt-3 mb-3' + '">' +
'<div class="card-header bg-warning">' +
'<div class="row align-items-center">' +
'<div class="col d-flex justify-content-start">' +
'<strong>Reward Information</strong>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="col d-flex justify-content-end">' +
'<a class="btn btn-clear text-center" onclick="removeReward('reward-' + key + '');">' +
'<i class="fa-solid fa-trash"></i>' +
'<strong>Remove This Item</strong>' +
'</a>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<input type="text" id="reward_' + key + '_reward_award_status" name="reward[' + key + '][reward_award_status]" class="form-control" value="{{ old("reward.' + key + '.reward_award_status", ' + value.reward_award_status + ') }}" style="display: none;"/>' +
'<div class="card-body">' +
'<div class="row row-cols-1">' +
'<div class="col mt-1 mb-1">' +
'<label for="reward_' + key + '_reward_type_id" class="form-label">' +
'<strong>Reward Type <span style="color: red;">*</span> : </strong>' +
'</label>' +
'<select id="reward_' + key + '_reward_type_id" name="reward[' + key + '][reward_type_id]" class="form-select form-control search-on-selection ' +
'@error("reward.' + key + '.reward_type_id") is-invalid @enderror" style="width: 100%;">' +
'<option value="" selected disabled>Please Type</option>' +
reward_type_list.map(reward_type => {
return '<option value="' + reward_type.id + '" ' +
(value.reward_type_id == reward_type.id ? 'selected' : '') +
' data-is-get-reward="' + reward_type.is_get_reward + '">' +
reward_type.name + '</option>';
}).join('') +
'</select>' +
'@error("reward.' + key + '.reward_type_id")' +
'<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">' +
'<strong>{{ $message }}</strong>' +
'</span>' +
'@enderror' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="reward_' + key + '_reward_details" name="reward_' + key + '_reward_details" class="@if(' + value.reward_award_status + ' == "1")' + ' d-block @endif">' +
'<div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-2">' +
'<div class="col mt-1 mb-1">' +
'<label for="reward_' + key + '_reward_owner_name" class="form-label">' +
'<strong>Reward Owner Name <span style="color: red;">*</span> : </strong>' +
'</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="reward_' + key + '_reward_owner_name" name="reward[' + key + '][reward_owner_name]" class="form-control ' +
'@error("reward.' + key + '.reward_owner_name") is-invalid @enderror" ' +
'placeholder="Please Type Reward Owner Name" ' +
'value="{{ old('reward.' + key + '.reward_owner_name', ) }}"' +
'onkeyup="typeOnlyEN('reward_' + key + '_reward_owner_name');" ' +
'onkeydown="typeOnlyEN('reward_' + key + '_reward_owner_name');"/>' +
'<span class="invalid-feedback type_alert_reward_reward_owner_name" role="alert" style="display: none;">' +
'<strong>Please specify in English</strong>' +
'</span>' +
'@error("reward.' + key + 'reward.reward_owner_name")' +
'<span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">' +
'<strong>{{ $message }}</strong>' +
'</span>' +
'@enderror' +
'</div>' + ...
I want to use old function like the code above but I can’t use it. I don’t know why it is not working but I assume that it is because of the different of how Blade and JavaScript read the code in different side. However, I need to use the old function.
The key is that I know I need to change this line of code : ‘value="{{ old(‘reward.’ + key + ‘reward.owner_name’, ) }}"’ to add the default value to it using value.reward_owner_name but I don’t really know the syntax to do it properly.
I'm not the expert on using AJAX but I have tried AJAX to send the data from the form in Blade file with this code :
After the validation failed, I used this code to send the old data I want to display with their error messages and the message for SweetAlert Pop-up. However, what is returned is in json and I cannot get back to the form which I don't really know why. This way get me the data I want but cannot take to where I want the data should be displayed which is very weird for me.
This is not the best solution, but I think sending data with AJAX is working better than the code I used earlier. Thank you to @kris gjika for this idea. For now, I have to figure out why I can't get back to the form.
If anyone has any ideas, please post yours in the comment below.
For more information, this is the code I used after the validation failed in the Controller :
This is the form tag I used and the route I set :
First of all I think you are over complicating this, by not submitting the form via ajax (since you re-render rewards on error). By using a regular form submit, your page reloads on validation errors and you lose the current state of the form, for example: how many items have been created via
.So what if you didn’t have to reload on validation errors?