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I have a table and there are two columns.

user_id to_user_id
101 102
102 101
101 105

In the above table, 1 and 2 rows of users are like each other I want to remove 2 rows.

Here is my code.

$query = AppModelsMyMatch::query();
    ->where('user_id', '!=', 'to_user_id');
$records = $query->get();

In the above code, I got total 3 rows

I want only a total of 2 rows 1 and 3

So, how can I write a query for it



  1. $records = AppModelsMyMatch::whereHas('users')->whereHas('tousers')
    ->where(function($query) {
        $query->where('user_id', '!=', 'to_user_id')
            ->orWhere(function($query) {
                $query->where('user_id', '<', 'to_user_id');

    or use a subquery :

    $subquery = DB::table('my_matches')
                    ->select('user_id', 'to_user_id')
                    ->whereColumn('user_id', '>', 'to_user_id')
    $records = AppModelsMyMatch::whereHas('users')->whereHas('tousers')
        ->whereNotExists(function($query) use ($subquery) {
                    ->from(DB::raw("($subquery) as sub"))
                    ->whereRaw('my_matches.user_id = sub.to_user_id and my_matches.to_user_id = sub.user_id');
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  2. You can use

    $query = AppModelsMyMatch::query();
        ->where('user_id', '!=', 'to_user_id')
        ->havingRaw('COUNT(*) = 1');
    $records = $query->get();
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