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I want to save a post in my db with the logged user_id.

I have a column user_id in my post table.

When I want to create a new post with this logged user_id nothing happens

Here is my my Route in my web.php :


My model post :

protected $fillable = [

    protected $dates = [
    public function users(){
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id');

My model user

protected $casts = [
        'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
        'password' => 'hashed',
    public function Posts(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class, 'user_id');

and my Postcontroller :

 public function store(StoreRequest $request): RedirectResponse
        $post = new Post();
        $user = Auth::user();
        $validated = $request->validated();

        if ($request->hasFile('featured_image')) {
             // put image in the public storage
            $filePath = Storage::disk('public')->put('images/posts/featured-images', request()->file('featured_image'));
            $validated['featured_image'] = $filePath;

I have test many things but I’m lost !

Thank you for your help



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    many thanks for your answer but when I wrote :


    posts() is undefined method

    here is the code from my store controller after:

     $create = Post::create($validated);
        if($create) {
            // add flash for the success notification
            session()->flash('notif.success', 'Vinyle ajouté');
            return redirect()->route('posts.index');
        return abort(500);

    have an idea ? many thanks

  2. Welcome to laravel!

    A simple way is to grab the authenticated user as you do and associate the post that you try to store:

    public function store(StoreRequest $request): RedirectResponse
        $validated = $request->validated();
        if ($request->hasFile('featured_image')) {
            $filePath = Storage::disk('public')->put('images/posts/featured-images', request()->file('featured_image'));
            $validated['featured_image'] = $filePath;
        $user = Auth::user();
        return redirect(); // redirect in your post list

    Check out how the create method works in the official documentation for the eloquent relationships.

    Also, double check that the form you have created is performing a POST request to the route('posts.index').

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