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I am at my wits end with this and have tried just about everything I could find shy of reverting all changes across the entire application to when it worked. The issue: /files/create suddenly started returning a 404 page instead of the proper contents. Below is a handful of relevant info I figured people might need. Let me know if you need more to help.

I’ve searched online and essentially tried the following:

  • Clearing the route cache (as well as attempting to clear all cache)
  • Putting the middleware group above the routes with parameters
  • Testing other routes with the auth middleware as well as removing the routes from the auth middleware
  • Testing the other /files routes (they work)
  • Triple checking the existence and spelling of all relevant things (route, function, etc)
  • Running php artisan optimize
  • Running php artisan route:list to verify that the route is there
  • Stopping the server and restarting it


Route::controller(FileController::class)->group(function () {
    Route::get('/files', 'index');
    Route::get('/files/{id}', 'show');
    Route::get('/files/{id}/preview', 'preview');
    Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
        Route::get('/files/create', 'create');
        Route::post('/files/create', 'store');


public function create()
    return view('file.create');

File Structure
The desired view is stored in resourcesviewsfilecreate.blade.php. Worth noting that all other views under resourcesviewsfile are accessed without problem.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So I went through and figured out which specific change broke it. Turns out it was in web.php when going from this:

    Route::controller(FileController::class)->group(function () {
        Route::get('/files', 'index');
        Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
            Route::get('/files/create', 'create');
            Route::post('/files/create', 'store');

    To this:

    Route::controller(FileController::class)->group(function () {
        Route::get('/files', 'index');
        Route::get('/files/{id}', 'show');
        Route::get('/files/{id}/preview', 'preview');
        Route::middleware(['auth'])->group(function () {
            Route::get('/files/create', 'create');
            Route::post('/files/create', 'store');

    Before posting here, I did try to move the middleware group above the two added lines to see if it was an issue with the way Laravel processes routes from top to bottom. But for some reason deleting the changes in GitHub Desktop and re-adding the lines below the middleware group worked when the other way did not. Perhaps it was some order in which I cleared the cache and made the changes that was significant.

  2. When you encounter a 404 error for a specific route in Laravel, it typically means that the route is not being matched correctly. In your case, you are facing a 404 error for the /files/create route. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

    1 Check the Route Name:
    Make sure the route name and the URL you are using to access it match. In your web.php file, you define the /files/create route as follows:

    Route::get('/files/create', 'create');

    This route does not have a name assigned to it. You can add a name to it like this:

    Route::get('/files/create', 'create')->name('files.create');

    Then, make sure you are generating the URL correctly using the route() helper function in your views or controllers:

    <a href="{{ route('files.create') }}">Create File</a>

    2. Clear Route Cache:
    Sometimes, cached routes can cause issues. Run the following command to clear the route cache:

    php artisan route:clear

    3. Check for Route Conflicts:
    Ensure that there are no conflicting routes that might be intercepting the /files/create route before it reaches your intended controller method.

    4. Check for Middleware Issues:
    You have applied the ‘auth’ middleware to the /files/create route. Ensure that the user is properly authenticated when accessing this route. If not, Laravel will redirect to the login page by default.

    5. Check for Typos and Case Sensitivity:
    Double-check for any typos in the route definitions and the URL you are trying to access. Route names, controller method names, and folder names are case-sensitive.

    6. Check File Permissions:
    Verify that the create.blade.php file has the correct file permissions and is located in the expected directory. Make sure there are no typos in the file name or folder structure.

    7. Inspect Your .htaccess or Nginx Configuration:
    If you are using Apache or Nginx, ensure that your server configuration is correctly set up to handle Laravel’s URL rewriting. Make sure your .htaccess (if using Apache) or Nginx configuration is properly configured for Laravel’s routing.

    8. Check for Other Redirects:
    Be aware of any other middleware or code that might be redirecting the request elsewhere.

    After going through these steps, you should be able to identify the issue causing the 404 error for the /files/create route in your Laravel application. If the issue persists, please provide more details or error messages for further assistance.

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