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In the application there is column type where the type are: Users and Admin.

I want to separate the app file of users to admin.

I already edited the file of


if($user_details->type != 0)
    return redirect()->intended(RouteServiceProvider::HOME);
    return redirect()->intended(RouteServiceProvider::SUPERADMINHOME);

I added SUPERADMINHOME in RouteServiceProvider


public const SUPERADMINHOME = '/app/super-admin/dashboard';

In web, I also added the route

My problem is, when the user logged in the superadmin it should load the super-admin-app not the app.blade.php

Reason why I want to separate the app file because whenever there will be change in app(for example) it should not effect the other one.

Question: Is it possible to separate the app file of users & admin?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    After how many hours of research, this is the solution that I'm looking at.

    In SuperAdminDashboard, I added layouts to my super-admin-dashboard


    return view('livewire.super-admin-dashboard',[
            'company'                       =>$company

  2. You can do it with route routing.

    if($user_details->type != 0)
         return redirect()->route('user.home');//route name
         return redirect()->route('admin.home');//route name

    You can send it to the view in the route you are redirecting.

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