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Laravel site root is

To get to what would be URL path / in a normal site, you actually go to

So, the Laravel site is under /path_to_root/ and there is other non-Laravel content in for, example,

How do I get the portion of the URL path that consists of / all the way up to the base of all of the Laravel content? In this case, it would be /path_to_root

Another example: if my site was based totally under
Then it would be /my/news. In that case, the entirity of the Laravel site would be under /my/news and if I defined a path in Laravel called / then the URL path would actually be /my/news. In that case, i would want the function to return /my/news. That’s what I refer to as the URL path to root and I don’t know how to get that programmatically.

Also note that the user could be under any page of the site. For example they could be requesting

I’m not referring to the file system path.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This seems to work:

    public static function requestPath()
        // save url to return to in request parameter
        $thisPath = Request::getRequestUri();
        // figure out URL path to root so we can subtract it from
        // Path to page to redirect to or Laravel won't redirect right.
        // This is for dev sites that may be under a path instead of
        // beling located at /
        $rootURL = URL::to('/');
        $rootPath = parse_url($rootURL, PHP_URL_PATH);
        if (strlen($rootPath) > 1 
            && substr($thisPath, 0, strlen($rootPath)) == $rootPath)
            // Laravel expects paths to start at URL site root (???)
            $thisPath = substr($thisPath, strlen($rootPath));
        return $thisPath;

  2. From my understanding of the question, what you need is request()->path().

    Given it would return path_to_root.

    '/'.request()->path().'/' would give /path_to_root/.

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