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So i am working on a laravel project with multiple table’s and pivot table’s but i cant attach data to a specific pivot table because it wont accept the name.
as a user i want to be able to download files from the ‘file’ crud. That works. but after i downloaded i want to be able to see who downloaded what file as an admin, this does not work

the query i get is:INSERT INTO file_user (file_id, user_id) VALUES (7, 2)

i basically want to change the: file_user to download. but i have no idea how to do that without making a full query

table ‘file’

  • id
    -file (document)

table ‘user’

pivot table ‘download’

user model:

 public function role(){
        return $this->belongsTo(Role::class,'role_id');
    public function file(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(File::class);

file model:

   public function user(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

    protected $table = 'file';

download model (pivot)

  protected $table = 'download';
    protected $fillable = [

    public function file() {
        return $this->belongsTo('file');

    public function user() {
        return $this->belongsTo('users');


 public function download(Request $request, int $fileId)
        $id = Auth::user();
        $fullfile = File::find($fileId);
        $downloadfile = File::find($fullfile, ['file'])->pluck('file')->last();

       // return response()->download($downloadfile);
        return back();



  1. In this case you have to pass the table name too.

    public function file(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(File::class, 'download');
       public function user(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'download');
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  2. I use a pivtot table for my application to simply be able to link multiple users to a task. However I do not use a model for my pivot table.. I don’t think it is needed, you just need to migration table,

            Schema::create('task_user', function (Blueprint $table) {

    This is what I have.. If you did this it will simply save a user and your file when you attach a user.. if this function has the download too you could just check for the users on that file(they will have downloaded it)

    you could go


    And this would get your downloads (or make a scope for this since it will be easier to read)

    I hope this helps!

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  3. to work with pivot table in laravel, you most likely choose between 2 things: the pivot method and making a Pivot Model:

    files[ id, name]
    users[ id, name]
    downloads[ id, file_id, user_id, download_at]

    First solution: pivot method:

    +File Model (i will only put the relationship method here):

    public function users()
       return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'downloads') //'downloads' is the table name, default is 'user_file'
                ->as('download');  //optional, this is how to access the table in code, default is 'pivot' $user->files->pivot, now $user->files->download

    +User Model:

    public function files()
       return $this->belongsToMany(File::class, 'downloads')->as('download');

    +How to use:

    //get user with id '1' and all of the files that he downloaded:
        $user = User::with('files')->find(1);
        $all_of_the_files_he_downloaded = $user->files;
    //get file with id '2' and all the users that downloaded this file
        $file = File::with('users')->find(2);
        $all_users_that_downloaded_the_file = $file->users
    //get the download time of every file that John Doe downloaded
        $user = User::with('files')->where('name', 'John Doe')->get();
        foreach($user->files as $file)
            echo $file->download->downloadAt; //if you didn't use the ->as('download'): $file->pivot->downloadAt
    //get the download time of every user that downloaded the file with name 'Rick Roll'
        $file = File::with('users')->where('name', 'Rick Roll')->get();
        foreach($file->users as $user)
            echo $user->download->downloadAt;

    Second solution: pivot Model

    +Download Model

        namespace AppModels;
        use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentRelationsPivot;
        class Progress extends Pivot
            protected $table = 'downloads'; //here we need to specify a table because we didnt follow convention, aka. Download instead of UserFile
            public $incrementing = true; //specify auto-increment id

    +User Model:

    public function files()
       return $this->belongsToMany(File::class)->using(Download::class);

    +File Model:

    public function users()
       return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)->using(Download::class);
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