I have this fetch function, it fetches the full feed if no user is selected, and it fetches a specific user’s feed if it is.
public function fetch(): void
if ($this->userToShowFeedFor == null) {
$this->tweets = Tweet::with('user')->withCount('likes')->get();
} else {
$this->tweets = $this->userToShowFeedFor->tweets;
in my blade template I have this:
@if (!$userToShowFeedFor)
<a wire:navigate href="{{ route('userpage', ['user' => $tweet->user]) }}"
class="text-gray-600 cursor-pointer underline">u/{{ $tweet->user->username }}</a>
<p class="inline text-gray-600 ">u/{{ $tweet->user->username }}</p>
Despite using the with('user')
I am still getting this error.
I even used tinker to make sure I wasn’t doing any bad SQL queries under the hood and it looks all good.
Check in your app the istruction
, tipically is set in the boot method of the AppServiceProvider class.If it is set, when you try to lazy load a model, an exception is throwed.
Here the documentation
i think the runtime code is different than u expected i think it hits the else case on that exception to can you try to add
to at the end to be like thatload works the same as with but it is lazy eager load that works after you get the result you can check the docs