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I have a JSON:


Server side, I do it:

$input = $request->json()->all();
$user = new User();
$user->id = $input['id'];
$user->name = $input['name'];
$user->firstname = $input['firstname'];

Does it possible to auto fill my object with a JSON, if the the JSON fields and my object fields are the same ? Like below ?

$user = new User();



  1. Yes, it’s possible to create a method fromJSON() in your User class to automatically fill the object properties from a JSON input. Here’s how you can do it:

    class User {
        public $id;
        public $name;
        public $firstname;
        public function fromJSON($json) {
            $data = json_decode($json, true);
            foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
                    $this->{$key} = $value;
    // Example usage:
    $input = '{
    $user = new User();
    // Now $user has its properties filled with values from the JSON
    echo $user->id; // Outputs: 1
    echo $user->name; // Outputs: John
    echo $user->firstname; // Outputs: Doe

    This method fromJSON() takes a JSON string as input, decodes it into an associative array, and then iterates over each key-value pair. If a property with the same name exists in the User class, it assigns the corresponding value from the JSON data to that property.

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  2. You can use the json_decode function to convert a JSON string into a PHP object.

    I have updated your code like below:

    $jsonString = '{"id":1,"name":"John","firstname":"Doe"}';
    $userObject = json_decode($jsonString);
    // If you need to convert it to an associative array, you can pass true as the second parameter
    $userArray = json_decode($jsonString, true);

    If you have a class User and you want to fill its properties with values from a JSON string, you could write a method in the User class that takes a JSON string, decodes it, and sets the properties accordingly:

    class User {
      public $id;
      public $name;
      public $firstname;
      public function fromJSON($jsonString) {
        $jsonObject = json_decode($jsonString);
        $this->id = $jsonObject->id;
        $this->name = $jsonObject->name;
        $this->firstname = $jsonObject->firstname;
    // Usage
    $user = new User();

    This simple example does not include error checking or more complex scenarios such as nested objects or arrays.

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