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I have a SQLite database with the following migration defined:

    Schema::create("views", function(Blueprint $table){



Note: id is the primary key of the table, match_id should just be treated as any other column.

This all works just fine, but I want match_id to be nullable. I tried changing the $table -> integer("match_id") to the following:

//Also tried $table->integer("match_id")->nullable(true)->change();

I also ran ‘composer require doctrine/dbal’, which I saw online

When I try running php artisan migrate, it says there is nothing to migrate. And when I run php artisan migrate:fresh, for some reason the match_id column just doesn’t get added to the database at all, even though every other column works just fine. Any reason this might be?



  1. Since migrate:fresh is an option (as pointed by @xenooooo), just edit your original migration to:

    Schema::create("views", function(Blueprint $table) {

    This should fix the problem. With migrate:fresh you don’t need a second migration just to change, since it will drop all tables and create everything again. Also I’ve changed the order of the primary key (just in case of this be the problem of migrate:fresh not creating the match_id column), and changed the timestamps format. In Laravel you don’t need to create manually the timestamps, "$table->timestamps()" do it for you 🙂

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  2. By using this


    In Laravel 7

    you can make "match_id" (nullable & integer) or foreign-key by using this code


    As i used it in picture
    here is code
    enter image description here

    and here is my db
    enter image description here

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