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In my Livewire View

@foreach ($diagnosisList as $row)
                        <div class="col-6 mb-2">
                            <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
                                <label class="form-check mb-0 w-120px">
                                    <input wire:model.debounce.1000ms='diagnoses.{{ $row->id }}'
                                        data-name="{{ $row->name }}"
                                        class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="{{ $row->id }}">
                                    <span class="form-check-label font-13 fw-medium">{{ $row->name }}</span>

In my Livewire Class (controller):

public function updatedDiagnoses($value, $id)

In livewire, i need to get $row->name in updatedDiagnoses() for checked event and push them into array.
How to do this?



  1. You should post the format of your data, however I assume you have a $diagnosisList array containing the models and a $diagnosis array containing checkbox values ​​indexed by record id

    The only way for your configuration is to read the row from DB :

    public function updatedDiagnosis($value, $id)
       $name = Diagnosis::find($id)->name; // I suppose you have a Diagnosis model

    I can’t understand the ".debounce.1000ms"
    If you are using Livewire 3 perhaps you should change it with .live to let the backend call happen on change:

    <input"diagnosis.{{ $row->id }}" ..... >

    It would be also advisable to add a wire:key in the @foreach content:

    @foreach ($diagnosisList as $row)
       <div class="col-6 mb-2" wire:key="diag-{{ $row->id }}">
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  2. You need to define a public property in your livewire to hold the array of checked diagnosis names and then update updatedDiagnoses to add/remove the diagnosis name from $checkedDiagnoses base on whether the checkbox is checked/unchecked. You need to pass both value and name of the diagnosis to the updatedDiagnoses using js and then create the updatedCheckedDiagnoses in your livewire:

    Livewire Class (controller)

    namespace AppHttpLivewire;
    use LivewireComponent;
    class YourComponent extends Component
        public $diagnoses = [];
        public $checkedDiagnoses = [];
        public function mount()
            // Initialize the diagnoses array with default values if needed
            foreach ($this->diagnosisList as $diagnosis) {
                $this->diagnoses[$diagnosis->id] = false;
        public function updateCheckedDiagnoses($id, $name)
            if ($this->diagnoses[$id]) {
                // Checkbox is checked, add the diagnosis name to the array
                $this->checkedDiagnoses[] = $name;
            } else {
                // Checkbox is unchecked, remove the diagnosis name from the array
                $index = array_search($name, $this->checkedDiagnoses);
                if ($index !== false) {
        public function render()
            return view('livewire.your-component', [
                'diagnosisList' => Diagnosis::all(), // Assuming Diagnosis is your model

    Livewire View

        @foreach ($diagnosisList as $row)
            <div class="col-6 mb-2">
                <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
                    <label class="form-check mb-0 w-120px">
                        <input wire:change="updateCheckedDiagnoses({{ $row->id }}, '{{ $row->name }}')"
                               class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="{{ $row->id }}">
                        <span class="form-check-label font-13 fw-medium">{{ $row->name }}</span>
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