I have a function in a controller like this:
DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
for ($parts=0; $parts < count($request->name) ; $parts++) {
$parts_info = new PartsInfo;
$parts_info -> part_id = $request -> id;
$parts_info -> name = $request -> name[$parts];
$parts_info -> qty = $request -> qty[$parts];
$parts_info -> price = $request -> price[$parts];
$parts_info -> save();
Now I want to update the records. How do I do that? Here multiple records have the same part_id
which has a one-to-many relationship with another table.
Note: Tried using $parts_info = PartsInfo::where('parts_id', $request->id)->get();
and without get()
Try this one
try this one
You will have to check it with the id and because you are checking it with parts_id so it will not work
or You can first delete the child records and then recreate it