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After I installed laravel-dusk following the official Laravel documentation and run this command:

php artisan make:component CardComponentTest

Then try to run immediately:

php artisan dusk tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php

I get this error:

Class 'TestsBrowserComponentsCardComponentTest' could not be found in '/var/www/html/tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php'.

I tested file and path are correct:

ls -l /var/www/html/tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php

And it says:

-rw-r--r-- 1 djw djw 6917 Dec  3 11:25 /var/www/html/tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php

So it is exists and readable.

I checked the namespace in the file:


namespace TestsBrowserComponents;

It also looks good.

I checked the composer.json and in this I have this section:

    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Tests\": "tests/"

So the file exists, the namespace is good and the namespace is picked up in the composer.json.

I tried to run composer dump-autoload too. All good.

Any ide what’s wrong whit this?



  1. If you take a look at the documentation, the Component is not a test itself. Hence, you should not name the component "*Test" and you should not try to run the component like a dusk test.

    You will use your component in your dusk test as described here:

    Components are for repeated actions, like selecting a date in a picker, which is then further used in your test case for example in a form or maybe some change in your UX happens that is assertable.

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  2. the error:

    Class 'TestsBrowserComponentsCardComponentTest' could not be found in '/var/www/html/tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php'.

    indicate you don’t have CardComponentTest test case. Because CardComponentTest is not test case but just an component/part of test.

    As aless said, component is not a test itself. But if you really want to test CardComponentTest you can replace

    use LaravelDuskComponent as BaseComponent;
    class CardComponentTest extends BaseComponent

    to :

    use TestsDuskTestCase;
    class CardComponentTest extends DuskTestCase

    after you do that you can run php artisan dusk tests/Browser/Components/CardComponentTest.php , You just need to add test method first like. An example:

    public function testComponentExample()
        $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {

    But create test case in component folder is not best practice. You should create test case like official documentation said. Run dusk:make instead of dusk:component. An example:

    php artisan dusk:make SimpleBrowserTest

    and now you can run

    php artisan dusk tests/Browser/SimpleBrowserTest.php
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