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I want to pick questions randomly but category dependent. For example, if the test is given with 10 questions and the total category is 5, the test flow should take 2 questions randomly from each category. Is there a way to select it through random and eloquent relations?

and the question table

|  id   |  category_id  |.......|

already I am using random eloquent but the probability of getting questions from each category is low

public getRandomQuestions($limit)

and I’m clueless when it’s coming to relations.



  1. the query to get 1 random question for each category:

    SELECT *
      (SELECT *, 
              @position := IF(@current_cate=category_id, @position + 1, 1) AS POSITION, 
              @current_cate := category_id
         (SELECT q.*
          FROM category c
          INNER JOIN question q ON = q.category_id
          ORDER BY RAND()) temp
       ORDER BY category_id) temp1
    ORDER BY category_id;


    • since you want the question to be take randomly we need order by rand(), note: inRandomOrder also uses order by rand() under the hood
    • to be able to get 2 questions for each category, we need a variable (@position) to mark the order of question

    laravel implementation:

    public getRandomQuestions($limit)
        $questions = DB::select("SELECT *
          (SELECT *, 
                  @position := IF(@current_cate=category_id, @position + 1, 1) AS POSITION, 
                  @current_cate := category_id
             (SELECT q.*
              FROM category c
              INNER JOIN question q ON = q.category_id
              ORDER BY RAND()) temp
           ORDER BY category_id) temp1
        WHERE POSITION <= 2
        ORDER BY category_id");
        return Question::hydrate($questions->toArray());
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  2. You can also use the inRandomOrder and groupBy method together to select random questions from each category.

    $questions = Question::with('category')->inRandomOrder()->groupBy('category_id')->limit(2)->get();

    This will give you 2 random questions from each category.

    You can also use subquery to select questions with certain number of random questions per category

    $questions = Question::with('category')
                          ->whereIn('category_id', function($query) use ($limit) {
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  3. If you’re using PHP >= 7.2 the use shuffle()

    public function getRandomQuestions($limit) {
        return Question::limit($limit)->groupBy('category_id')->get()->shuffle();

    or else

    public function getRandomQuestions($limit) {
        return Question::inRandomOrder()->limit($limit)->groupBy('category_id')->get();

    the trick is you need to use groupBy() clause for this

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