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I want to use sync() for table client_package except some values/fields.

It’s because I’m displaying checkboxes with client names, that I want to add to a package.
So if User has specific permission, he could see specific clients, and it’s done:

<div class="mb-6">
    <label for="package_clients" class="block mb-2 text-sm font-medium flex">Bundle Clients:</label>
        <div class="border border-gray-200 rounded-lg">
            <div class="p-4 overflow-auto min-h-40 max-h-96">
            @foreach($clients as $client)
            <p><input type="checkbox" name="package_clients[]" id="client-{{$client->id}}" value="{{ $client->id }}"
            @foreach($package_clients as $package_client)
                @if($client->id == $package_client->id) checked @else @endif
            <label for="bundle-{{$client->id}}"> {{ $client->name }} </label>

But after syncing the list of clients assigned to a package I got detached clients, that are not in the list (the remaining ones from the DataBase).

I want to avoid that, but in my case I can’t use attach() and detach() separately(depending on situation), because User could assign and misallocate multiple clients at once.

I want to pass f.e. array of Clients, that could not be detached. Is that possible?

My way to syncing Clients to Package:


$clients is an array of id's.

Or there’s a option of doing the sync() only on that Collection of clients not in whole DB?



  1. How about use syncWithoutDetaching() instead of sync() ?

    Edited :

    How about using the wherePivotNotIn()
    example :

    $package->clients()->wherePivotNotIn('client_id', $clients)->sync($clients);
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  2. // it's your array of client's ids
    $client_ids = $request->package_clients;
    // it's ur clients
    $clients = Client::whereIn('id',$client_ids)->get();
    // and sync. that's all
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