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$endpoint = rtrim($site->url,"/").'/'.env('WP_ENDPOINT');

try {     
  $request = Http::post($endpoint);
} catch (GuzzleHttpExceptionConnectException $e) {
  $response = json_encode((string)$e->getResponse()->getBody());

I am trying to get response from a remote URL using guzzle http client but i get error ‘cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:’ on line 4.

$request = Http::post($endpoint);

I used try catch to handle the error but nothing happened so far.

Any help would be highly appreciated.



  1. actually i didn’t work anytime with laravel guzzle but i read something about guzzle’s requests and you should always catch these two types of common timeouts, connection timeouts and request timeouts can you try like this your post request:

        $retry_count = 0;
             $response = $client->post($endpoint);
          catch (GuzzleHttpExceptionConnectException $e) {
            // log the error here
            Log::Warning('guzzle_connect_exception', [
                'url' => $this->request->fullUrl(),
                'message' => $e->getMessage()
          catch (GuzzleHttpExceptionRequestException $e) {
            Log::Warning('guzzle_connection_timeout', [
                'url' => $this->request->fullUrl(),
                'message' => $e->getMessage()
          if(++retry_count == 5){

    if you find any issue on this code, please notify me!

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  2. Do not use env() outside the config file.

    Laravel’s Http client does not throw exceptions unlike Guzzle. Be sure to read the official documentation.

    // try-catch style
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesHttp;
    use IlluminateHttpClientRequestException;
    try {     
      $response = Http::post($endpoint)->throw();
    } catch (RequestException $e) {
    // Laravel style
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesHttp;
    $response = Http::post($endpoint);
    if ($response->successful()) {
    } else {
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