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Trying to replace/update type A record name @ using godaddy api in laravel with Guzzle

Valid Headers

$godaddy = Http::withHeaders([
    'Authorization' => 'sso-key ' . config('godaddy.key') . ':' . config('godaddy.secret'),

I try the get method and it works

$response = $godaddy->get('');

Method put

$response = $godaddy->put('', [
    'records' => [
        'data' => '',
        'priority' => 0,
        'ttl' => 0,
        'weight' => 0

Response details

array:3 [▼
  "code" => "INVALID_BODY"
  "fields" => array:1 [▼
    0 => array:3 [▼
      "code" => "UNEXPECTED_TYPE"
      "message" => "is not a array"
      "path" => "records"
  "message" => "Request body doesn't fulfill schema, see details in `fields`"

¿What i am doing bad?


$records = json_decode('[{"data": "","name": "@","port": 65535,"priority": 0,"protocol": "string","service": "string","ttl": 0,"type": "A","weight": 0}]');
$response = $godaddy->put('', [
    'records' => $records,
$response = $godaddy->put('', [
    'records' => [
            'data' => '',
            'priority' => 0,
            'ttl' => 0,
            'weight' => 0



  1. I’m guessing records is supposed to be an array of arraysobjects:

    $response = $godaddy->put('', [
        'records' => [
                'data' => '',
                'priority' => 0,
                'ttl' => 0,
                'weight' => 0
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  2. I think you need to work with array of objects. You need to encoding with right way.

    $result = [
                  "data" => "string",
                  "port"  => 65535,
                  "priority" => 0,
                  "protocol" => "string",
                  "service" => "string",
                  "ttl" => 0,
                  "weight"  => 0
            $records = json_encode($result);
    $response = $godaddy->put('', [
        'records' => $records,
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