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I’m using laravel 10.

I have following structure in DB




My goal is, using the eloquent get all categories with latest ForumPost model.

In model ForumCategory i have following method:

public function posts(): HasManyThrough
        return $this->hasManyThrough( ForumPost::class, ForumThread::class);

And my query:

$categories =  ForumCategory::with(['posts' => function ($q) {

It works fine but it loads all ForumPosts not only the last one.

So, how to retrieve only the last one ForumPost for each category?

Thank you.



  1. you can define another relationship hasOneThrough in your ForumCategory to fetch the latest post like,

    public function latestPost()
        return $this->hasOneThrough(ForumPost::class, ForumThread::class)->latest('id');

    and then,

    $categories = ForumCategory::with('')->get();
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  2. To retrieve only the latest ForumPost for each category, you can modify your query to use a subquery to select the latest post for each category. Here’s how you can do it in Laravel:

    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentBuilder;
    $categories = ForumCategory::with(['posts' => function ($query) {
        $query->latest()->take(1); // Select only the latest post
    // If you want to eager load the author relationship for the latest post
    // Or you can use the following approach to eager load the author relationship directly in the initial query
    $categories = ForumCategory::with(['posts' => function ($query) {
        $query->with('author')->latest()->take(1); // Select only the latest post

    Make sure you have proper indexes set up on your database tables to optimize the performance of this query, especially if you have a large dataset.

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