I’m currently working on a project in FilamnentPHP v3 and I am trying to figure out how to automatically pass the current user_id to my database-entity.
I thought of creating a hidden input-field and setting the default value of the field to the current user_id. But it seems like Filament ignore the hidden() TextInput and inserts null or does simply nothing.
My wrong solution
So is there any way to pass values automatically to the database after the form-submit in Filament v3.
I also tried to look through the dilament-docu but I hab no real luck finding something that helps me to solve my problem
you can try creating an observer for the model.
Also you can use this way.
for example,if you want to insert the auth user id to blog table (created_by) so you can track who created this blog.
you can use model event in event service provider:
like this. and it will work.