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I have recently been working on a company where we were sending emails to users, and we had a queue named email, which was specifically used to queue emails in the system. But this was taking too long to send all the messages, especially when the users were over 5000. So I was wondering how do big companies do this, and the way their email messages are always timely, it almost takes no time. Can somebody provide me with some insight please.

I am using laravel framework to do the work.



  1. It has nothing to do with queue because it seems you are sending bulk email.

    If you are using your own Mail server it will depends on your IP/Domain reputation and limit (each provider (ex: Gmail, Outlook, ..) has its limit for new IP’s).

    You have to warm up your IP on each provider so they can trust you (not to mention you have to setup correct DNS (DKIM, DMARC, SPF, …)).

    If you are using 3rd-party(mailchamp, sendgrid,…) so it will depend on their limit (by hour|day|month) you have just to send the body and list of emails and they will do the rest.

    This comment will be updated after you provide more info !

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  2. Big companies send bulk emails efficiently by using a combination of strategies and tools. Here are some of the ways they do it:
    Email Service Providers (ESP): Companies often use ESPs that allow them to send a large number of emails at once12. These providers have the infrastructure to send emails quickly and efficiently, and they also provide tools for managing email lists, segmenting audiences, and tracking performance12.
    Personalization and Segmentation: To make their emails more effective, companies personalize their messages based on the recipient’s information123. They also segment their email lists to ensure that the right message is sent to the right person123
    Automation: Companies automate their email campaigns to save time and ensure consistency12. This can involve scheduling emails to be sent at specific times, setting up automatic responses to certain actions, and using tools to automatically personalize emails12
    Testing and Optimization: Companies continually test their emails to see what works best12. This can involve A/B testing different subject lines, email designs, or call-to-actions12. They then use this information to optimize future emails12
    Legal Compliance: Companies ensure they comply with laws like CAN-SPAM Act or GDPR, which regulate how companies can send marketing emails4.
    Email List Management: Companies focus on building a high-quality email list. This involves strategies for growing the email list organically, creating compelling opt-in forms, leveraging social media and other channels2.
    Remember that sending mass emails is not just about speed but also about delivering value to the recipients. The content of the email should be relevant and engaging to the audience12

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