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Hello Laravel Experts,

(I am newbie to laravel)

for my Laravel application, I want to change my path from

/ to /quote,

i.e. the current url –  -->

I have changed it at proxy level, but then the images, css, js and livewire all fail.

Then changed the code for images, js and css as below –

- read as /images/abc.png => /quote/images/abc.png -

and the images folder moved from –

 public/images  => public/quote/images

and same for js and css

However, this doesn’t work with livewire (livewire.js, or /livewire/update)

In other words, is there a way to change the root URL from / to /quote – without having to meddle with code? may be add a new route – at core level?

Pls advice / code lines

same as described above



  1. Regular expression constraints might be what you’re looking for.

    It would look something like the code below.

    Route::get('/{any}', function (string $any) {
        redirect('/quote' . $any, 302);
    })->where('any', '.*');
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  2. Do you really need to change the URL for assets (css, js, images, etc)? If not then you could just add prefix and group to your route.

    Route::get('/', function () {
        return redirect()->route('index);
    Route::prefix('quote')->group(function () {
        Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
            // Authenticated routes
        Route::get('/', [IndexController::class, 'index'])->name('index'); // top/LP
        // Not Authenticated routes

    URL will be: -->

    Everytime users access they will be redirected to


    If you want to move your assets to /quote then move all assets to public/qoute folder. Though you will need to update how you use your assets like the following:

    1. {{ asset('js/app.js') }} to {{ asset('quote/js/app.js') }}
    2. {{ URL::asset('js/app.js') }} to {{ URL::asset('quote/js/app.js') }}
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