I have 2 separate columns for the date: the date
itself in YYYY-mm-dd
format, and a time
column in time(7)
datatype, for example 11:15:10.0000000
How can I check for rows that are in the future?
I can get the first part, for the day itself:
MyModel::where('date', '>=', Carbon::today())->get()
But when I try adding the time it doesn’t work:
MyModel::where('date', '>=', Carbon::today())->where('time', '>', Carbon::now()->format('H:i'))->get()
because they are separate and now even though the date is in the future, the time is separate so there may be a situation where the time doesn’t match. So I somehow need to have both the date and the time related to it in the future, not separately
Try to combine both the columns in a single condition.
For SQL Server try following
Query conversion may need to update, for more information try documentation
Comparison via datatype is important here. So, you can use
to combine 2 different conditions. For this, you will need to pass a callback to group conditions inside one for the AND in where conditions in raw format.