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I am working on a laravel project, i am trying to load my datatable, i wanna i have a column used for sending a post request, here is my script:

var datatable = $('#table').on('xhr.dt', function(e, settings, json, xhr) {
ajax: {
                url: "/xxxxxxxxx",
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "JSON",
 columns: [
                    data: 'id',
                    name: 'id',
                    data: null, 
                    "render":function(row, type, val, meta){
                            return `
                            <form method="post" action="/xx/yyy/"+${row[`id`]}>
                            return '';
                    "orderable": false

so in the render part, I wanna i can call the route(/xx/yyy/{id}), i tried to call "/xx/yyy/1" and it worked, but when i wanna tried to use the variable row[id] it cannot work, can you please help me to figure it out? Many THX!



  1. This is JavaScript right? If so then I think you should use:

    return '
    <form method="post" action="/xx/yyy/'+ row["id"] +'">

    If it is JavaScript you should not have to use $ and {} for passing the variable and also the variable was outside the "" meaning that it was not added to the value of the action attribute.

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  2. Your combining a Blade Directives (@csrf) with Javascript. For this to work the script has to be part on the blade template page (not external). I don’t know if you’re doing this since little code is given.

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  3. Here is correct way of adding parameters in blade

    <form method="post" action="/xx/yyy/{{row[`id`]}}"> 
    Then form here
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