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Oh, how ridiculously I formulated the question)) I’ll try in more detail.
I have a route:

Route::get('/parsers/settings/{id}', [AdminParserController::class, 'settings'])
   ->where('id', '[0-9]+')

Then I select the required element from the XML file and convert it to a string:

$xml = simplexml_load_file($model->url);
$exampleElement = $xml;
foreach (explode("->", $model->path) as $prop) {
   $exampleElement = $exampleElement->$prop;
$exampleString = $exampleElement->asXML();

return view('admin.parser.settings', [
   'model' => $model,
   'exampleElement' => $exampleString,

In view I display this element like this:


And in the blade I want to display this element. Since this is a regular string, it is displayed incorrectly. I need to style the output somehow.

return response($exampleString, 200, [
   'Content-Type' => 'application/xml'

If you do this, it will be displayed as it should. But I need to somehow transfer this to the view.



  1. I understand that you’re facing an issue with displaying the content of $exampleElement. If you want to display it in a browser for users to view, you can use the <pre> tag to preserve white spaces and line breaks like this:

        {{ $exampleElement }}

    If you need to use the actual value without escaping HTML tags (e.g., from <p>some text to &lt;p&gt;some text), you can use the {!! !!} syntax to print the variable like this:

    {!! $exampleElement !!}


    if you also want to add Content-Type: application/xml header to you response from your view you can do it like this:

    $content = view('admin.parser.settings', [
       'model' => $model,
       'exampleElement' => $exampleString,
    return response($content)->header('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
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  2. If you want to prettify the string returned by SimpleXML’s asXML() you could load the string in DOMDocument and use it’s preserveWhiteSpace and formatOutput parameters:

    Do not remove redundant white space.

    Nicely formats output with indentation and extra space.
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($model->url);
    $exampleElement = $xml;
    foreach (explode("->", $model->path) as $prop) {
       $exampleElement = $exampleElement->$prop;
    $exampleString = $exampleElement->asXML();
    $domDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0');
    $domDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
    $domDocument->formatOutput = true;
    $formattedString = $domDocument->saveXML();

    Now in your view you should output $formattedString in a pre element:

    Represents preformatted text which is to be presented >exactly as written
    <pre>{{ $formattedString }}</pre>
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