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I’ve created a regex pattern to match sequences of digits that can be ascending or descending, like 12345, 123, 321, 6789, 7654, etc. However, I believe this approach may not be the most efficient or professional way to achieve this task.

Could you please provide a simpler regex expression that can match number sequences, whether ascending or descending? This is how I’m currently implementing it in Laravel

'sequential' => function ($query) {
    $query->orWhereRaw('plate_number REGEXP ?', ['\b(123(4(5)?)?|234(5)?|345|456|567(8(9)?)?|678(9)?|789|987(6(5)?)?|876(5)?|765|654|543(2(1)?)?|432(1)?)\b']);

I’ve attempted several approaches to create a regex pattern that accurately matches sequences of numbers. However, the regex pattern I’ve come up with seems unprofessional to me. Could you please verify if it’s correct, or suggest a better way to achieve this?That plate ads with numbers like e.g 1234,2345, 5432,98765,… ,etc.



  1. try

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  2. Try:


    See: regex101


    • ^...$: match whole string
    • (?:...|...): match either increasing or decreasing
      • (?<inc>...): increasing is defined as
        • 1(?=2)|...: a number and a lookahead ensuring it is followed by successor
        • {2,}.: get this at least two numbers like this and match a third (which trough lookahead is ensured to be a successor)
      • (?<dec>...: do the same for decreasing
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