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How am I able to return view(‘support’) with following:

->with('success', 'Found results');


  // if validation do not fail
        if ($validated->fails() === false) {
            // return
            return view('', [
                'articles' => $articles,
                'categories' => $categories,

Following code is not working:

  // if validation do not fail
        if ($validated->fails() === false) {
            // return
            return view('', [
                'articles' => $articles,
                'categories' => $categories,
            ->with('success', 'Found results');



  1. So you can do this in multiple ways. Through sessions or through the view. Firstly if you have session messages setup you can throw a message like this

    $request->session()->flash('success','Found Results'); 
    return view('...')->withInput();

    Or you can pass the success message through the view like

    return view('', compact('articles', 'categories'), [
       'success' => 'Results Found'
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  2. You may use the withInput method provided by the RedirectResponse instance to flash the current request’s input data to the session before redirecting the user to a new location. This is typically done if the user has encountered a validation error. Once the input has been flashed to the session, you may easily retrieve it during the next request to repopulate the form:

    return back()->withInput();

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  3. Store it in a session you can use session() helper or $request->session->put()

    // validation success
        'categories' => $categories,
        'articles' => $articles,
    return back();

    then you can just access the session value in blade using the session() helper.

    <div> {{ session('categories') }}</div>
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