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In my console command I call ImportQuizApiData method :

use AppLibraryImportQuizApiData;
class ImportQuizApiDataCommand extends Command
    protected $signature = 'app:import-quiz-api-data-command  {categoryName?}';

    public function handle()
        $importQuizApiData = new ImportQuizApiData();
        $importResult = $importQuizApiData->import();

Inside of import method of ImportQuizApiData object I show current process in console :

class ImportQuizApiData
    protected ImportQuizApiDataCommand $parentCommand;
    public function setParentCommand(ImportQuizApiDataCommand $value): self
        $this->parentCommand = $value;

        return $this;

    public function import(): bool
        $currentRow = 0;
        foreach ($this->data) {
            $this->parentCommand->info($currentRow . ' / ' . count($this->data) . ' - ' . (100 / count($this->data) * $currentRow) . '% ');
        } // foreach ($sourceQuizzesArray as $quiz) {  // Loop all quizzes

I dislike a way as I passed $parentCommand var into ImportQuizApiData object, but how can I do it in a better way ?
I know how to use events / listeners – but looks like it is not helpfull here…



  1. If you wish to use both methods from parent and child class, I would suggest to use helper class.


    namespace {namespace path here}
    class ImportQuizHelper {
        public function info() {
        // move all methods here
        // you may add more methods here that can be used on both api and command


    use {namespace path here}ImportQuizHelper;
    use AppLibraryImportQuizApiData;
    class ImportQuizApiDataCommand extends Command
        private $helper;
        public __construct(ImportQuizHelper $helper) {
            $this->helper = $helper;
        protected $signature = 'app:import-quiz-api-data-command  {categoryName?}';
        public function handle()
            $importQuizApiData = new ImportQuizApiData($this->helper); // pass helper here
            $importResult = $importQuizApiData->import();
            $this->helper->info(); // use info from helper


    class ImportQuizApiData
        private $helper;
        public __construct(ImportQuizHelper $helper) {
            $this->helper = $helper;
        public function import()
            ... // do your imports
            $this->helper->info(); // use info from helper

    There might be bugs or typo here since I just wrote it on the fly so just edit if needed.

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  2. what you can do is :

    -have ImportQuizApiData() injected as a dependency

    -remove the setter (setParentCommand($this)) and have the import to do that (optional)

    use AppLibraryImportQuizApiData;
    class ImportQuizApiDataCommand extends Command
      protected $signature = 'app:import-quiz-api-data-command  {categoryName?}';
      public function handle(ImportQuizApiData $importQuizApiData)
        $importResult = $importQuizApiData->import($this);
    class ImportQuizApiData
      protected ImportQuizApiDataCommand $parentCommand;
      public function import($parentCommand): bool
        //if(! $this->parentCommand){//optional
        //  $this->parentCommand = $parentCommand;
        $currentRow = 0;
        foreach ($this->data) {
            $parentCommand->info($currentRow . ' / ' . count($this->data) . ' - ' . (100 / count($this->data) * $currentRow) . '% ');
            //$this->parentCommand->info($currentRow . ' / ' . count($this->data) . ' - ' . (100 / count($this->data) * $currentRow) . '% ');
        } // foreach ($sourceQuizzesArray as $quiz) {  // Loop all quizzes
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