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Database table Column type is Boolean and nullable.

Value inserting to value is true or false:

$statusVal = $request->input('status');

if($statusVal == "yes"){
    $toInsert = true;
}else if($statusVal == "no"){
    $toInsert = false;

ServiceDetail::create(['status' => $toInsert]);

I want to insert null to $toInsert, if status is not selected

Please guide me through this



  1. $statusVal = $request->input('status');
    if($statusVal == "yes"){
        $toInsert = true;
    if($statusVal == "no"){
        $toInsert = false;
        $toInsert = null;
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  2. You can do it with a single statement using nested-ternary-operator.

    Just do it.

    $statusVal = $request->input('status');
    $toInsert = empty($statusVal) ? null 
                : ($statusVal == 'yes' ? true : false);

    Try this, it will work.

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