Following this question and this other question, I managed to create the flatpickr element and to send data to the backend. The problem is that, although in the Rule
that validates the datetime the passes
method returns false
, the validation error is not shown in the form.
For sake of easy-reading, this is the blade portion for the datepicker:
<div class="mb-3" wire:ignore>
<label for="pickeddatetime" class="form-label">Date and time</label>
<input id="pickeddatetime" class="form-control @error('pickeddatetime') is-invalid @enderror"
type="datetime-local" name="pickeddatetime" placeholder="Pick a date and time"
value="{{ old('pickeddatetime') }}" wire:model.debounce.500ms="pickeddatetime">
<p class="invalid-feedback">{{ $errors->first('pickeddatetime') }}</p>
I believe it is due to the wire:ignore
directive (used to make flatpickr work with Livewire) preventing any change in the DOM but, again, I’m still learning and thus be completely wrong.
To work around this, you can use a JavaScript event that will manually emit an event to Livewire when your datepicker’s value changes.
You’re right, the
on the parent div makes Livewire ignore any updates to that part of the DOM. It will never change anything inside of it.So, to make the paragraph show, simply move the
down on the input itself.You will still need
on the input, as the Flatpickr library will modify and maintain state of the actual input.This only solves half of your issue though, as you will still not get the class
applied when the validation for that property fails. To achieve this, either put the class on a wrapper, and then apply CSS in such a way that it’ll be put on the input, or else you would need some sort of listener or change-event on the Flatpickr instance, and then check if the validation failed before applying or removing the class on the input, meaning that you apply it with JavaScript.