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I’m a beginner of Laravel. And for the training of it, I’m learning how to use Laravel following Laravel Bootcamp.

My code is completely same as this guide though, this program didn’t work correctly.
No mail notification is dispatched after chirping.
I guess these two of code might be suspicious.


namespace AppListeners;
use AppEventsChirpCreated;
use AppModelsUser;
use AppNotificationsNewChirp;
use IlluminateContractsQueueShouldQueue;
use IlluminateQueueInteractsWithQueue;
class SendChirpCreatedNotifications implements ShouldQueue
     * Create the event listener.
    public function __construct()
     * Handle the event.
    public function handle(ChirpCreated $event): void
        foreach (User::whereNot('id', $event->chirp->user_id)->cursor() as $user) {
            $user->notify(new NewChirp($event->chirp));

Or here.

namespace AppEvents;
use AppModelsChirp;
use IlluminateBroadcastingChannel;
use IlluminateBroadcastingInteractsWithSockets;
use IlluminateBroadcastingPresenceChannel;
use IlluminateBroadcastingPrivateChannel;
use IlluminateContractsBroadcastingShouldBroadcast;
use IlluminateFoundationEventsDispatchable;
use IlluminateQueueSerializesModels;
class ChirpCreated
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
     * Create a new event instance.
    public function __construct(public Chirp $chirp)
     * Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
    public function broadcastOn(): array
        return [
            new PrivateChannel('channel-name'),

I appreciate if you could help me.

Add more information(Apr 16, 2024)

"is not dispatched" means no dispatch message is issued in the log. No matter how many chirp is issued, logfile(storage/logs/laravel.log) hasn’t been appended. That means event and listener won’t work.



  1. Check your .env file.


    In Laravel 11, the log driver is the default, so no emails are actually sent.

    Look at the log files in storage/logs/.

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  2. Try to register your event and listener by adding

        protected $listen = [
        ChirpCreated::class => [

    at AppProvidersEventServiceProvider

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