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I try to create relations between different tables in my database and get data from these tables, but I got an error: Property does not exist on this collection instance.

This is my code:

Migrations files:

Schema::table('books', function (Blueprint $table) {

In ModelAuthors:

public function books () {
    return $this->hasMany('AppModelsBooks');  

In ModelBooks:

public function author() {
    return $this->belongsTo('AppModelsAuthors'); 

In AuthorsController:

public function index () {
    $authors = Authors::all(); 
    return dd($authors->books); 

In BooksController:

public function index () {
    $books = Books::all(); 
    return  dd($books->author); 

If someone has an idea how to fix this, I will be very grateful.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you guys! In my case, the right solution was :

    In model:

    public function author() { return $this->belongsTo('AppModelsAuthors', 'author_id'); } 

    And in controller :

    $books = Books::with('author')->get();

    And in view file I added:

                <li>{{ $book->title}}</li>                    
                <li>{{ $book->author->name}}</li>

    Thank you again. The topic can be closed )))))

  2. Your models is right but you wrong when you call $authors->books because $authors is collection of your Authors model not object of Author. If your want check your relationship you can do with this example:

    public function index () {
        $authors = Authors::latest()->first();; 
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  3. Your relation between Authors and books is one-to-many so an Author hasMany books (like you have correctly stated in the model relation).

    The output of this is a collection so you can not access it that way, instead you need to loop it like:

    public function index () {
        $authors = Authors::all(); 
        $authors->books->each(function ($book) {

    In case you want to retrieve the books of a single Author you can return a single model instance for the Author like:

    public function index () {
        $author = Authors::where('id',1)->first(); 
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  4. If you want to have all authors with their books, use eager loading with()

    public function index () {
        $authors = Authors::with('books')->get(); 
        return dd($authors); 

    If you wants all the books with their respective author

    public function index () {
        $books = Books::with('author')->get(); 
        return  dd($books); 

    When you iterate the collection (like an array) in your blade, you can then access the relation

    @foreach($books as $book)

    If you just want to get a dd of the books of one author you can do it like this

    public function index () {
        $authors = Authors::all();
        // $authors is a collection of models (think of it as an advanced array)
        // To get one of the models, you can iterate them with a loop or, for example, take the first one with "->first()"
        //$authors->first() is an instance of the model "Author" class
        return dd($authors->first()->books); 
        // $authors->first()->books is now a collection of models of "Book" class
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