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I would like to cleanup the locally seeded storage images when running php artisan migrate:fresh --seed.

I noticed that all the database tables get dropped before the seeders even start. So my method for cleaning up local storage images was never touched:

private function cleanLocalFileSystem()
    $files = File::all();
    $files->each(function (File $file) {
        $this->fileController->destroy($file->id); // removes associated files from storage.

So there must be a way to clear out theses images at the start of running the migrate:fresh --seed command.




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I ended up solving this issue myself before the solultion of @mamaye came in.

    I made a .bat file in my Apache bin directory named refreshdb. These are it's contents:

    php artisan storage:clear
    php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

    Then I made the command with php artisan make:command ClearStorage.

    namespace AppConsoleCommands;
    use AppHttpControllersDashboardFileController;
    use AppModelsFile;
    use IlluminateConsoleCommand;
    use InterventionImageExceptionNotFoundException;
    class ClearStorageCommand extends Command {
        protected $signature = 'storage:clear';
        protected $description = 'Clears all seeder images from storage';
        private FileController $fileController;
        public function __construct()
           $this->fileController = new FileController();
        public function handle()
            try {
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                $this->error("Failed to clear storage with message: " . $exception->getMessage());
            $this->info('Successfully cleared storage');
        private function cleanLocalFileSystem()
            $files = File::all();
            $files->each(function (File $file) {
                $success = $this->fileController->destroy($file->id);
                if (!$success) {
                    throw new NotFoundException('Could not clear file: ' . $file->path . '/' . $file->name);

    Now I can simply run the refreshdb command in the terminal and all is well.

    Again, this is simular to mamaye's solution but it worked for me.

  2. I suggest you create a custom artisan command on your project since Laravel may not have a direct command to handle it. So the idea is so allow you clean up before you migrate.

    php artisan make:command CleanupThenMigrate

    Next, you write your logic for the created command. Go to app/Console/Commands/CleanupThenMigrate.php

        namespace AppConsoleCommands;
        use IlluminateConsoleCommand;
        use IlluminateSupportFacadesFile;
        use IlluminateSupportFacadesStorage;
    class CleanupThenMigrate extends Command
            protected $signature = 'app:cleanup-then-migrate';
            protected $description = '';
             * Execute the console command.
            public function handle()
                $this->info('Cleaning up local storage images...');
                // Run migrations and seeders
                $this->info('Running migrate:fresh...');
                $this->info('Seeding the database...');
                $this->info('Hala Madrid! All local images have been deleted. Migration and Seeding is complete too!');
            private function cleanLocalFileSystem()
                // Define your local storage path
                $storagePath = storage_path('app/public');
                // Delete all files in the storage path
                $getFiles = File::allFiles($storagePath);
                foreach ($getFiles as $file) {


    Next, run php artisan app:cleanup-then-migrate

    I hope this helps.

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