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I’m trying to seed random belongsTo relationships for a Post, but they are all just being created with the same User and Community.


        $users = AppModelsUser::factory(100)

        $communities = AppModelsCommunity::factory(10)


After seeding, when I look at the database, the user_id and community_id is 1 for all of the posts.

How do I make it random for each seeded post based on the users and communities created beforehand?

Tried using random() but does not seem to take effect.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I figured it out by using recycle method in the seeder and specifying a an id for each relationship in the factory.


        public function definition(): array
            return [
                'user_id' => User::factory(),
                'community_id' => Community::factory(),
                'title' => fake()->sentence(),
                'created_at' => fake()->dateTimeThisMonth(),

    New seeder code:

            $users = AppModelsUser::factory(100)
            $communities = AppModelsCommunity::factory(10)
            $posts = AppModelsPost::factory(100)
                ->recycle([$users, $communities])

    Works great now :D

  2. You can use a closure within a Sequence to generate random user_id and community_id for each post. For example:

    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesSequence;
    $users = AppModelsUser::factory(100)->create();
    $communities = AppModelsCommunity::factory(10)->create();
        ->state(new Sequence(
            fn (Sequence $sequence) => [
                'user_id' => $users->random()->id,
                'community_id' => $communities->random()->id,

    In case your code is exactly the same as the one you have provided, it is better to place the User and Community creation directly in the post factory.

    namespace DatabaseFactories;
    use AppModelsUser;
    use AppModelsCommunity;
    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesFactory;
    class PostFactory extends Factory
         * Define the model's default state.
         * @return array<string, mixed>
        public function definition(): array
            return [
                'user_id' => User::factory(),
                'community_id' => Community::factory(),
                'title' => fake()->sentence(),
                'created_at' => fake()->dateTimeThisMonth(),
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