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In resources/images directory i have 10 images that i want to show through vue3-carousel library, the images names are 1.jfif, 2.jfif..etc, but the attribute binding doesn’t work like this, it gives error : Property assignment expected.:

        <Slide v-for="slide in 10" :key="slide">
            <div class="carousel__item">
                <img :src="../../images/{{slide}}.jfif" width="500" />

i also tried like this, using template string:

<img :src="`../../images/${slide}.jfif`" width="500" />

but it will then look for images in the public directory instead, it give me errors like /images/2.jfif:1 GET http://localhost/images/2.jfif 404 (Not Found)

how can i solve that issue? thanks



  1. You could incode your images in Base64, then you can use it on the bind.

    This website will do it for you:

    Just upload your images there, click show code and copy whats underneath For use in <img> elements:.

    Since the base64 encoding is very big, I’d recommend you store in a separated file to keep your code organized.


    const image1 = 'data:image/png;base64...';
    const image2 = 'data:image/png;base64...';
    const images = [image1, image2];
    export default images;

    Then, you import and use it on the bind accordingly.

    <Slide v-for="image in images" :key="image">
        <div class="carousel__item">
            <img :src="image" width="500" />
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  2.  hi to use dynamic images in lock
     // hosturl:'domain website' or 'path like /'
     <Slide v-for="(img, index) in imgaes"> 
     <div class="carousel__item">
     <img alt="img.alt" src="hosturl+'/media/img'+img.src" style="height:100%;width:100%;object-fit: cover;">    
     <Slide v-for="(item, index) in items"> 
      <div class="carousel__item">
      <img :alt="" src="hosturl+'/path_media/'+item.img" style="height:100%;width:100%;object-fit: cover;">    
     --data on returen function exampel--
     imgaes: [
     {src: "up362R31381.jpg",alt:"1"},
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"2"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"3"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"4"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"5"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"6"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"7"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"8"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"9"),
     {src: "up1376R65296.jpg,alt:"10")
     imgaes: ['up1.jpg','up2.jpg=','up3.jpg','up4.jpg','up5.jpg','and_more.jpg']
     hosturl:'link website', 
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  3. you need to use require() function to reference local assets correctly

      <Slide v-for="slide in 10" :key="slide">
          <div class="carousel__item">
              <img :src="require(`@/resources/images/${slide}.jfif`)" width="500" />

    By wrapping the filepath inside require() Webpack which comes bundled with Laravel will handle loading the correct asset during build time.

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